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Hazel is actively trying to hold back her tears. The movies make horse riding seem so cool. Like sitting on the back of a horse is easy, relaxing, and the only way to travel. In reality, it is the opposite. It is hard and grueling. Hazel's arms burn from holding onto Austin so tightly, her legs are cramped and numb. Even her stomach muscles are pulled tight. She feels like she had been doing all the running. Lightning had been ahead of the cowboys now as they all follow Austin so Hazel has a clear vision of them when she looks back occasionally, they all look relaxed and chilled like they are on fucking holiday. But it makes sense she supposes - they ride all day every day. Their bodies are used to this and are tough. Austin alternates between galloping, cantering, and trotting, explaining that he is doing so to make sure he does not push Lightning too far and hurt him. Each one is a slightly different rhythm and her body aches when he changes over - she almost wishes for that sunburn back. Eventually, Austin brings Lightning to a walk. "We will camp just past those trees," he says. Hazel peeps over his shoulder and sees they are not too far but the slow walk makes the distance feel miles away. "Can't you just make him run the rest of the way? I just want to get this over with," she begs. "Riding a horse is a privilege. With privilege comes responsibility. Lightning has carried us all this way and so we are responsible for his health. He needs to walk now, bring his heart rate down slowly and stretch out his overstimulated muscles," Austin explains.

Hazel looks behind her and sees the rest of the group doing the same. She is tired and guesses the slow walk is going to take at least half an hour. She rests her head on Austin's back and can feel her eyes grow heavy. "I know you are tired, darlin', but you need to stay awake. I don't want you slippin' off," Austin says. "I'll try," Hazel says but feels her eyes close and her body lean. Then suddenly Lightning stops. Hazel sits up and looks around. They are still far from the trees. "What's going on?" she asks. "Donno," Austin says then clicks his tongue and flicks his reins, but Lightning refuses to move. He flicks his reins again, "go, boy," he commands but still Lightning does not move. Evelyn comes up beside them and frowns. "What's wrong?" she asks. "I don't know. He has never done this before," he says. Hazel can hear he is concerned. He dismounts and moves in front of Lightning, stroking his forehead and whispering softly to him. Lightning lifts his head and neighs then shakes his head. Austin frowns and then looks at Hazel. "I think...I," he says deep in thought then moved back to Lightning's side. "I...really?" he asks himself and shakes his head, a little confused. "I could be wrong but move to the front of the saddle," he says to Hazel. She shifts forward and then Austin climbs back on behind her. Hazel shifts her body so she can rest her head on his chest and then before Austin even clicks his tongue Lightning starts walking forward. "Well, I'll be..." Austin murmurs surprise lacing his tone. "What was it? Why did he just stop like that?" Hazel asks, letting her eyes close. "Well, Miss Hazel, I think Lightning here might just have soft spot for you. He must have felt you slippin'," he says. Hazel sits up and looks at Austin. "He stopped because he was worried I would fall?" she asks. "Sure seems that way," Austin answers.

Hazel feels her heart swell. Lightning is just a horse, how could he be so attentive? But Austin knows him better than anyone and it sure seems like they can talk to each other so she has no other choice but to take Austin at his word. Cottonwood ranch feels like it was built with little flecks of magic stitched into the fence posts. Rolling fields, playful calves, sweet little cowgirls, attentive horses, talking turkeys, mothers keeping watch at night, and a giant stocky cowboy whose arms are curling around her tired body as he draws her back to his chest. No place can compare and without even realizing it Hazel no longer owns her heart, it too is slowly weaving itself around the fence posts out here on Cottonwood ranch.

"Darlin'," Hazel hears Austin call her softly above her head as she blinks her eyes open. She must have fallen asleep. It is late afternoon and the sky has started to turn pink as the setting sun dips behind the Mountain. "We are here," he says. Hazel sits up and waits for Austin to climb off and then he turns to help her down carefully. Her body screams in pain even though Austin is moving her slowly. Evelyn comes to stand next to Austin and screws her face up. "Ooh, that looks like it hurts," she says. "Not helpful," Austin says to her. "Take her to the river, the icy water will help," he says letting Hazel drape her arm around Evelyn's shoulders. The last thing she feels like doing right now is swimming, she just wants a hot shower and to climb into bed - maybe sleep for a thousand years.

"No swimming. I want a hot shower and a soft bed," she says looking around, "where are the rooms?" she asks, confused. All the cowboys stop what they are doing and then burst out laughing hysterically while Hazel watches them, her anger growing by the second. "That's enough, go about your business," Austin says eventually. "Where do we sleep?" Hazel asks him, looking around again. Austin points to the floor. Hazel follows his finger and stares at the grass in disbelief. He is expecting her to sleep outside on the grass? She has no idea how to respond to that - this is hell. "Take me to the river please, Evelyn," she asks throwing Austin a dirty look as Evelyn leads her broken body away. How the fuck did she find herself in this dam position?

She is not talking to Cathy, but right now she can go fuck herself - where ever she is.

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