"I would usually say no kissing, but knowing what the boys are going through, I'll allow it," James said, looking sadly at the worried parents of the Weasley girl.

All the students who had siblings looked heartbroken, knowing that they would be shattered if their sibling were to be in the situation of Ginny Weasley, they would have been wrecked.

"She knew something," said Ron, speaking for the first time since they had entered the wardrobe in the staffroom. "That's why she was taken. It wasn't some stupid thing about Percy at all. She'd found out something about the Chamber of Secrets. That must be why she was —" Ron rubbed his eyes frantically. "I mean, she was a pureblood. There can't be any other reason." Harry could see the sun sinking, blood-red, below the skyline. This was the worst he had ever felt. If only there was something they could do. Anything. "D'you think there's any chance at all she's not — you know —" Harry and Thea didn't know what to say. Harry couldn't see how Ginny could still be alive, while Thea still held out hope. "D'you know what?" said Ron. "I think we should go and see Lockhart. Tell him what we know. He's going to try and get into the Chamber. We can tell him where we think it is, and tell him it's a basilisk in there."

"Oh please let my little girl be alright," Molly cried.

Arthur, Gideon, and Fabian all tried to sooth her, assuring her that the little girl would be saved on way or another. 

"Don't worry, Molly," James said, as him and his friends went closer to the huddled group of redheads. "Thea and Harry are going to find a way to help Ginny, I'm sure of it."

"You two go, I'll meet you there," Thea told them as she went up the boys dormitory.

When Thea got to the twins' dorm room, she gently opened the door, worried that she would disturb the other residents. When she peered inside, she found the curtains of George's bed drawn closed, and Fred's bed still untouched. When she walked closer, the daughter of Zeus could hear the soft sniffles and quiet sobs.

Many saddened at the sight of the two cheerful boys being so broken at the loss of their sister.

Molly hugged her little brothers tightly, knowing that if she were in their position, she wouldn't have been a state better than her kids.

"Do you have a place for one more?" she whispered. A hand was extended to her from behind the drapes and she took it as an indication to go for it. When she entered their small bubble, she found both boys lying beside one another, crying. She didn't hesitate in joining them and hugging them as tightly as she could. "I will do everything I can to get her to you, alive and well," she whispered to the boys. "I promise."

Sirius and Remus smiled at one another, knowing that she was almost the perfect copy of her father. Well...a smarter copy of her father. 

That's when Gideon and Fabian hugged the Marauders tightly.

The scene changed showing Harry and Ron knocking on Lockhart's door. The loud rustling noise instantly stopped, and the door opened the tiniest crack and the pair saw their professor's eyes peering through it.

"Oh — Mr. Potter — Mr. Weasley —" he said, opening the door a bit wider. "I'm rather busy at the moment — if you would be quick —"

"He's being very suspicious..." Sirius said, glaring at the young Ravenclaw that was sweating nervously in his seat.

"Professor, we've got some information for you," said Harry. "We think it'll help you."

"Er — well — it's not terribly —" The side of Lockhart's face that they could see looked very uncomfortable. "I mean — well — all right —" He opened the door and they entered. His office had been almost completely stripped. Two large trunks stood open on the floor. Robes, jade-green, lilac, midnight-blue, had been hastily folded into one of them; books were jumbled untidily into the other. The photographs that had covered the walls were now crammed into boxes on the desk.

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