loud noises

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Little! Niki
Caregiver! Wilbur
Others! Tommy, Technoblade and Philza


Basic plot:
Niki and SBI went to watch a fireworks show in celebration of.. nothing- Tommy just wanted one. And Phil accidently bought a firework which wasn't a low noise one and it scared Niki into regression and Wilbur calmed her down and took care of her.


"Quiet ones are boring Phil!" Tommy whined to the father figure of the group as they continued their walk to a nearby field.
Niki couldn't help but feel bad by coming along and ruining that fun part for Tommy so she apologised with a small "im sorry" but nobody seemed to hear it other than Techno who gave her a sympathetic look before smiling and holding his hand out to her as physical contact was always a way to help her feel better - even if Techno himself wasn't a fan of it.

"Everything alright?" Wilbur whispered towards techno, clearly talking about Niki. Techno gave a small smile and a nod and with that Wilbur went to catch back up with Phil and Tommy, lightly hitting Tommy on the top of his head with a stick recieving a yell from the younger blonde and a tired sigh from the older.

"Is Tommy mad that I came along?" Niki asked Techno yet she didn't look up at the pinkette.
"No, he's not. He's just loud and wreckless so he wants that from everything else aswell" Techno answered and Niki smiled at the reassurance.

"Alright Techno mate, how far are we? Tommys bugging my head off" Phil turned around to talk to the second oldest in the group.
Techno looked around at the trees and scenery, "if we keep going forward for like 5 more minutes of walking then we'll end up on a rocky road. The field we want is to the left cos the one on the right is owned" Techno answered.

"Well we don't want to mess near an owned field" Phil said, stopping walking
"Its fine they barely use it so it also might aswell be unowned" Techno assured, continuing to walk forward.

As Techno had said, they reached a dusty, rocky road in the matter of a few minutes.
"Alright, towels to sit on and blankets to wrap up in are in this bag and snacks and drinks are in the bag Will has" Phil explained as he placed down the metal box that contained the fireworks

Watching the fireworks seemed like some sort of escape for Tommy as he stared at the fireworks after they quietly fizzled into an assortment of colours as if hypnotised by the beauty, Niki however? Didn't get the hype at first. She was cold, tired, hungry, and in need of hugs.

However after a while, a firework went off and she could swear that never in her life that she had never seen such beauty as the pinks, purples and silvers glittered the sky before dying out and after that firework they all just seemed so much more mesmerising until


Gold scattered the sky after a large bang that caused Niki to jump as her heart began to race and head began to feel as if it was spinning. Wilbur, being the one sat next to her, noticed the movement and scared look on her face and didn't hesitate to pull her into a hug.

Phil was trying to apologise to Niki who was surely falling steadily into a younger headspace however she tried to calm herself by focusing on the warm touch of her caregiver and so after 2 or 3 apologies from Phil, Wilbur dismissed the older saying that it would be fine because now that she had the comfort, that wasn't a lie. She would be fine.

She curled into Wilburs touch and felt a few tears slip from her eyes despite the fact that they were shut so tightly. She was terrified. Terrified of the noise, terrified of the fireworks and terrified if it would happen again.

The tear slipped down her face and dropped onto wilburs arm and as if instinct, Wilbur held the little tighter as if to assure her everything was okay and it took her a while to know but he was right. Everything was okay.

After Wilbur had felt Nikis breathing lower to a steady, healthy pace, he released his grip of her with one of his arms as he pulled a bag close to them and tho it was deemed a struggle to rummage with one arm, he eventually pulled out Nikis noise cancelling headphones and set them next to him before letting go of Niki and she turned to face him.

He slipped the headphones over her ears and allowed her to move them to be more comfortable for her and while she did that, he got juice from the other bag and a colouring book with some crayons for her to calm down with if she needed it again.

And as expected, once Wilbur placed the activity infront of the little, she went immediately to colouring and Wilbur was left to finally look back up at the fireworks in the sky and from the corner of his eye, he saw Niki looking up at the fireworks every so often as well but she never looked for long as if scared still.

Once the wind seemed to pick up ever so slightly, it didn't really throw anything or anyone off apart from Niki as she kept brushing her hair out of the way and seemingly getting frustrated with it

As soon as Wilbur noticed this, to prevent Niki from getting upset, he took the hair tie off Technos wrist who was going to complain until he seen why he needed it, temporarily took her headphones off and tied up Nikis hair for her, in a simple ponytail cos thats all he had the skills for, then returned the headphones.

She gave him a smile as if to say thank you before going back to sharing her attention between colouring and the fireworks.

After a while Wilbur had layed back to relax much more and so he didn't pick up on Nikis shivering in the cold yet Tommy did so he took a blanket out of the bag, shuffled towards Niki and wrapped it around her not really surprised when she leaned into him for warmth and comfort.

Since Tommy wasn't heavily comfortable with being in close contact with someone for a long amount of time, after a while he directed her to lay down with Wilbur before packing away her colouring book and putting the empty juice carton in a bag to bin later.

Niki and Wilbur had layed in eachothers comfort and Techno and Tommy stuck close to Phil making the excuse that they were tryna prove who was the better of eachother but really it was because they felt safe in Phils presence.


1222 words

Thank you for reading this god awful mess of a chapter-
OH! I got a new hobby too! I've started writing slam poetry and its a lil bit trash but I like it so I'm not dropping it just yet-
Anyway! I love you all so much, see you next chapter! <33


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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