AN - this should be self-explanatory. (rant!!)

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I will say this before the actual point of this begins for my respectful followers.
I apologise for you having to see this rant and if you get uncomfortable at ANY point please leave! And seen as tho you are a respectful follower, this rant is not directed towards you in any way, shape or form!
I will mention that this rant has the topic of:
- s3xu@lising age regression
- k!nks
(Ik- not really something you wanna see- so please leave if wanted, love you!)

I will not, i repeat, will NOT under ANY circumstances be writing absolutely ANYTHING NSFW IN THIS BOOK.

Age regression is for COPING

This seems like common sense yet here i am having to sit and scroll through COUNTLESS REQUESTS OF NSFW THINGS.

I have been through and blocked numerous people and am still having to do so almost daily

It makes me sick to the stomach to have to read through the requests all the time and quite genuinely makes me feel nauseous. (No, I am not overreacting. I once almost threw up.)

This is something people use to help them cope with trauma and/or their emotions and people are sexualising it!

I really didn't want to complain, like- I was going to leave it but clearly some people don't ACTUALLY know what age regression is!!

And not only is it in personal messages sent to me, its in comments too!!
So I have to, every single day, check the comments of every chapter cos sometimes it doesn't give me the the notification.

My first ever actual chapter to this book is titled "bang"
it is on about high fives. It is explained it is on about high fives. Mentioned numerous times its on about high fives and STILL people are sexualising it!! WTF?!

I am having to constantly re-read chapters so many times, get other people to read through the chapters and get their opinions about it before I publish it cos I am that scared or annoyed (i dont even know what feeling it is!) that someone is going to sexualise something that is said.

Can't even use when a little calls their caregiver "Daddy" cos as soon as I do there are comments saying its kinky or people telling me that certain chapters are "kinkier" than others cos of the words that are used!

Take your weird kinks SOMEWHERE ELSE.
or better yet, take a step back to actually look at yourself cos if you think for even a SECOND that a child or someone with a child's mindset is kinky then SORT YOURSELF OUT. YOU TRULY DISGUST ME.


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