Nasty paperwork!!!

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Quackity gets stressed while doing paperwork and regresses to a younger age then usual and Wilbur finds him and helps!

Credits: @MyKrewAcademia7878

Thanks for the idea! It was really fun to write (and its much easier for me to know what I'm writing about when I have a set thing :) )

Also I wasn't able to get anyone to check though this chapter so there was only autocorrect to help with any mistakes I make so there may be some erors :,(


CG! : Wilbur
Little! : Quackity (0-1)


Quackity was sat in his office doing tons and tons of paperwork including taxes, overdue payments, medical prescriptions and letters. He finished signing another letter and threw it in a huge lump of work which kind of just sat in a mess at the corner of the room.

He didn't have the energy to sort them out, he'll do that after. He finished signing off another letter and took a break to stretch. He looked at the peices he has already done and then looked at what he had left.

"I've been working for hours! Why is there still so much left?!" He said annoyed with himself for not working fast enough. The uncompleted pile just seemed to double in size everytime he finished something.

He took a breather to calm down and then picked up his pen to continue writing. He couldn't help but just think that he's never going to get it done or that he's gonna let people down. He just cept on thinking about how he loads left and started stressing out but tried to keep it on the downlow cos he had to get this all done.

10 Mins later

Signing, confirming, denying, offering.
Signing, confirming, denying, offering.
Signing, confirming, denying, offering.

It was an endless loop and Quackity was stuck in it. He stressed more and more and more and he just wanted to go lay in bed.

"I wan go home now.." he mumbled to himself as he felt tears prick his eyes. He dropped his pen and rubbed his eyes. He didn't want to be here.

"Not comfy!" He cried as he felt himself slip. "Not comfy at all!" He said as he got off his chair and hid under his desk, hugging his knees.
"Can't do it, can't do it!" He kept crying and he just felt himself slip more and more.

Soon his words turn into upset noises as he just kept slipping and slipping futher into little space. He felt younger then he ever had, he popped his thumb into his mouth to try silence his sobs, news flash it didn't work.

The door opened im an instant and Quackity jumped, too little and incapable to peer from under his desk.

"Quackity? You in here?"
Well..he was incapable until he heard who it was. He pocked his head from under his desk and Wilbur seen him. He had tear spills stained down his face and his tired eyes looked up to Wilbur as if a cry for help.

"Oh no, baby what happened?" Wilbur said as he walked closer and crouched at the desk and reached his arms out for the little to go towards him. Quackity crawled out and towards Wilbur and as soon as he felt the warm contact, he grabbed onto Wilburs jacket as if his life depended on it.

"How old are you feeling angel?" Wilbur asked gently as he held Quackity close, tring to prove that the little was safe with him. Quackity didn't respond. He wasn't really in a responsive mood, he just wanted out for a bit instead of doing work upon work upon work.

"Are you feeling too little to answer??" Wilbur spoke softly as he stood up with Quackity still clinging onto him. The little just held up 1 finger then hesitantly took it down.

"Ah, you're really little huh?" Wilbur just spoke whatever he could to calm the little as he grabed the office keys off the desk and walked out the room, lokking the door behind him. Quackity just nodded and stuck his thumb in his mouth.

"Baby, that yucky" Wilbur said as he gently pulled Quackitys finger from his mouth and grabbed into his jacket pocket and pulled out a paci with the werds 'Quack' spaced across the handel.

Look like this!

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"Here" he said as he put it into the littles mouth whos loud sobs have now calmed into quieter ones with small hiccups every so often.

Quackity hadn't quite fallen asleep when they got to the house, but he was almost there. Wilbur held the little in one arm as he unlocked the door and then kicked the door shut when he walked through.

"How about we heat up some milk and get you changed whilst it cools a bit hmm?" Wilbur questioned the little as he walked to the kitchen and put some milk into a pourable flask and heated it up in the microwave for 1 and a half minutes.

He then went up the stares while Quackity played with the fabric on wilburs jacket.  Wilbur grabbed Quackitys favourite hoodie and some shorts.

He gave Quackity a rattle toy to play with while Wilbur changed him and even though he had a toy to distract him, nothing could stop the little from wriggling and squirming around.

"Stay still please angel" Wilbur sighed, but the little didn't comply. There was no point telling him off or confiscating things as a punishment because the boy was feeling too little to understand so Wilbur just put up with the squirming little.

"Right! That's that." Wilbur said as he stood up and stretched, his back slightly hurt since he was lent over for a long time since the wiggling of the little was a distraction. Wilbur then picked up the little and took him back downstairs where the milk was set to cool.

Wilbur grabbed the milk and sat went and sat in the living room. As soon as they sat on the sofa, Quackity got comfortable laying on Wilbur as he turned the TV onto Superstore (on Netflix, I recommend if you haven't already watched it, its great TwT) since Quackity was feeling to young to be interested anyway.

Wilbur took the mentally youngers rattle which he was still holding onto and replaced it with a panda stuffie which he immediately clung tight onto. Wil then took the paci out of his mouth and just as Quackity was about to cry for it back, Wilbur put the bottle in his mouth which Quackity began to quietly drink from it, calming down a LOT more than before and was asleep before he finished the bottle.

Wilbur placed the bottle on the coffe tayble and put the paci back into the little mouth. He placed a light kiss on Quackitys head and whispered "sleep tight angel" before turning off the TV and falling to sleep himself from exhausteon.


Quackity walked to his office the next day and wasn't really superised when he found it unlocked, I mean, 3 other people had a copy of the key anyway, but he was surprised when he saw those three people (sapnap, Wilbur and Karl) all in his office.

Sapnap and Karl organising completed files and Wilbur answering the phone and signing/replying to whatever he could.
"What are you all doing?" Quackity asked as he steppd in and shut the door

"We wanted to help. Wil told us what happened so we thought it'd be a good idea for us to help as much as we could" sapnap said as he looked up at Quackity. Wilbur just stood up and hugged Quackity

"Dont keep quiet about it next time" he said as he held onto him tightly and Quackity returned the hug
"Group hug!" Karl said quite loudly as him and Sapnap hugged wilbur and Quackity.

Done! Sorry if you don't like it or if it isn't what you expected- :,(

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