pointing out the obvious

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Thank you so much for the request, and I apologise if it doesn't reach higher standerds :(

Basic plot:
Tommy is live with Ranboo and Tubbo in his house and they were just chatting and chilling out, all in all having a fun time! Until chat spot something in the corner of the room which turned out to be Tommys diapers for when he's regressed. Chat continue to spam and point them out which sends Tommy panicking and he regresses quite quickly and as soon as Tubbo and Ranboo notice, they end stream and take Tommy to Phil and Kristin who are just sat downstairs.

Little! Tommy (0-2)
CGs! Kristin and Philza
Others! Tubbo and Ranboo

Little gear used:
- diapers
- bottle
- paci

- upset little
- regressing due to panick
- refusal of comfort items
- throwing fits??

(Lmao- intro took longer than usual-)

"Nah big man! I think that's where you're wrong!" Tommy had retaliated to Ranboo who had previously said that having a cold pillow to sleep on is better than a warm pillow.

"How am I wrong?? Having it warm is unsettling!" Ranboo pointed out, arguing back and continuing along with the bit

"Tubbo! A pillow is supposed to be warm right?" Tommy asked in high hopes to be proven right.
"What about just no pillow-?" Tubbo just asked, looking confused but he knew what he was on about.

"Thats just wrong" ranboo replied and Tommy agreed.
Tommy looked at chat to see what they thought about it and thats when he seen someone had typed
'LOL Tommy! Are those diapers??'

He tried brushing passed it until other people in chat must have also spotted what the person had said
'Oml they are diapers!!'
'Tommy why are there diapers?? XD'
'lmao- this has to just be for a bit!'

Ranboo and Tubbo clearly noticed something was wrong since Tommy was just sat, looking over at the monitor where you could see chat and his eyes were tearing up a bit.

Tubbo looked at the monitor too and saw what must have got Tommy upset. He was quick to go try move something over to where they were but made sure he wasn't making it too obvious that he was hiding them but he was too late.

Tommy glanced over at Ranboo and Ranboo just gave him an upset expression then what seemed like a smile probably to try cheer Tommy up but he was having none of it.

He was slipping and fast and he wanted someone to help but he didn't want chat to be there anymore. He spun his chair to face away from the cameras and brought his knees up on the chair and started crying onto them.

"I think that's enough streaming for now! Bye chat!" Tubbo yelled running over and ending stream before anyone could actually say bye back and despite the fun they had during stream, Tubbo deleted the VOD, knowing that clips of it would go around anyway.

As soon as stream ended, Tommy started crying really loudly and Ranboo was quick to move off his chair and crouch infront of the little and try help calm him down while Tubbo walked over to the bedside drawers to get Tommys paci.

"Hey love, let's take a breather okay??" Ranboo asked the little calmly, who jumped onto the older for cuddles and to be picked up. Ranboo situated himself back in the chair with Tommy sat on him.

"Here you go sunrise" Tubbo walked over to the little who was still heavily crying into Ranboos shoulder. He held out the paci for the little but Tommy didn't even lift his head to see what it was before he shook his head.

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