no biting!

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This is another one of those ideas is had wrote btw
Although Skeppy was usually loud and cocky while big, he was more on the non verbal side when he slips. So instead of asking for cuddles and attention, Skeppy threw things on the floor, made a mess and bit bads arm, resulting in a 5 minute time out but when he apologised after and helped clean up the mess, Skeppy was given cuddles for the rest of the night. Worth it, right? :)

Little! Skeppy
CG! Badboyhalo

- Ig time out (punishment) can be classed as one(?)
- CG! yelling at Little!

Skeppy was sat in his room, scrolling through reddit and subconsciously biting and sucking at his thumb. He wasn't Little yet, but he could feel himself slipping and instead of pushing it, he put his phone down and got himself changed before he regressed.

He settled on wearing a fluffy blue hoodie and some random shorts he found in his closet. He grabbed his white rabbit stuffie and climbed back into bed and went back on his phone, slowly but surely becoming mentally younger.

When he was regressed, he felt lonely. His room was dark and quiet. He didn't like it.

The door downstairs was opened and skeppy sat up from his bed, hoping it was someone to give him a but of company

"Skeppy, im back!" It was bad. He didn't have to be alone anymore! Skeppy got off his bed and out of his room, he walked across the upstairs hallway to the top of the stairs where he saw Bad taking off his shoes.

Skeppy hated climbing downstairs, going up was much easier for him, so he sat himself down at the top of the stairs, silently watching bad take his coat off and hoped for his caregiver to notice him.

But he didn't.

Bad walked into the main room without even taking a glance upstairs. He really wanted to go down to him but he's never walked down the stairs alone.

"He could help" skeppy mumbled to himself, a bit annoyed that Bad didn't even make an effort to check on him. He looked down the stairs and grabbed onto the railing.

He took each step one at a time, taking a 3 second pause at each one to make sure he wouldn't fall. And after what felt like years, skeppy finally made it down the stairs and put his thumb into his mouth for comfort whilst the other hand was tightly clutching onto his stuffie.

He made his way to the main room where he couldn't see Bad at all. He then shuffled through to the kitchen and saw that Bad was putting away all the things he just bought. Bad had only noticed Skeppy when he turned to pick up something else.

"Hey skep, you feeling little??" Bad asked as he proceed to pick things up and the little nodded his head but bad had his back turned so he couldn't see it but he took the silent as a yes.

"How about you go sit in the room and play? Ill bring you a snack in a minute" bad said to the little and was content when he heard skeppys feet shuffling out of the room.

Skeppy was annoyed. Couldn't bad see that he wanted cuddles? Couldn't bad see that he wanted attention? Although instead of complaining about it, skeppy went and quietly played with some things in the main room. He was tired but he couldn't sleep by himself and right now, he was in a full room by himself.

"Here i got you a snack" bad said as he walked in and placed some watermelon slices and strawberries infront of skeppy to eat. Skeppy immediately dropped what he was playing with and started chewing at the food. Bad just sat on the sofa on his phone.

"done" skeppy mumbled when he finished the plate, there was a few strawberries left and half a watermelon slice but at least he ate the majority.

Bad got up off the sofa and picked up the plate ruffling at skeppys hair before leaving the room. Skeppy yearned for more. He had recently been touch starved so he wanted to do anything he could to at least have a hug, but now he's had s small slice of what it feels like, he wanted cuddles. And he wanted them now.

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