comfort is embarassing

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Requested by:

Little! Tommy
CGs! Philza and Kristin

Comfort items!!
- paci
- diapers
- bottles

If you have any issues with the comfort items used then don't read this story. Its as simple as that.
Im here to comfort people but I cant do that all at once so rn I'm focusing on the people who are also embarrassed by these comfort items (which there's nothing wrong with them btw! Stay happy your own ways!)

Basic plot:
Tommy enjoys his comfort items yet is embarrassed by them and when he's little they're all he wants, yet the embarrassment stops him from using the items and he starts to put up a fight and throw tantrums over using the items. However he is eventually calmed down by Philza and Kristin

- tantrum
- argumentative little
- disregard of comfort items


Tommy so badly wanted to slip and although knowing he is in a safe place with his two caregivers, Phil and Kristin, he quite frankly found regressing sort of embarrassing - especially his comfort items.

Yet the more he though about not wanting to regress, his mind decided to go the complete opposite way and Tommy was quickly slipping to the age of 2.

He felt discomfort and hated not having his favourite things with him, but its too embarrassing to ask. He just kept quiet for as long as he could so his caregivers wouldn't notice and then he wouldn't have to use the items which he calls "embarrassing"

However his plan completely back fired and since Tommy was TOO quiet, Phil and Kristin started to get concerned for their little.
"Toms, buddy, you doing okay?" Phil asked the boy and sitting next to him on the couch.

"Mhm, all is gwood!" Tommy replied and obviously Phil and Kristin picked up on the childish speaking, it wasn't hard to miss.
"How old are you feeling darling?" Kristin asked the little, preparing to go grab his comfort items.

Tommy was hesitant. He knew his age sure, but once he told his caregivers how old he was feeling, they were surely going to try give him his comfort items, yet he soon caved in and put up 2 fingers yet slowly becoming uncertain with it and he felt himself slipping more.

"Lets go get you a nice bottle and then get you changed hmm?" Phil asked the little, standing up and putting his arms out to Tommy, basically allowing for the little to go into his arms to get carried.

However Tommy didn't bother to move.
"Whats up prince?" Phil asked the little who looked a tiny bit grumpy.
"Nwo bots!" Tommy yelled out, words more slurred and barely understandable but the caregivers understood.

"Are you not hungry Toms? We can get you changed if you like?" Kristin reassured the little, dodging the tantrum that was building up inside Tommy. The little nodded his head to getting changed and Phil carried him to the bedrooms.

Kristin went into the kitchen and decided to make Tommy some angel milk anyway since she knew he would want it at some point - like he always does.

Phil got out Tommys pajamas and set them on the bed next to the little and watched out for reactions to see if they were the pajamas Tommy wanted and luckily they were. However when the older went into the closest and pulled out a diaper for the younger, Tommy was having none of it.

"Nwo! Dwont want it!" Tommy yelled as his caregiver and shuffled to the other side of the bed, as far away from Phil as he could.

"Toms, you need it prince. Plus they make you feel happy dont they?" Phil asked the little, going to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Not anymwore" Tommy mumbled, shaking his head.
"What do you mean not anymore bud? Did something happen?" Phil asked the little, trying to be as understanding as possible.

" 's embawassing!" Tommy yelled again at his caregiver.
"Tom, use your indoor voice please" Phil pleaded the little who shook his head and felt as if he was about to cry.

"Nwo! Dont want!" Tommy started crying and when Phil got up to walk towards him, Tommy just shuffled away again.
"Tommy, bud, comfort isn't embarrassing" Phil reassured the little who stopped screaming and shouting to look at his caregiver with wide eyes.

"If what you use makes you happy then theres nothing embarrassing about it and if anyone has anything to say, you tell me or Kristin okay?" Phil reassured the little and while he was speaking, he was slowly but surely shuffling closer to the upset little.

"Not bad?" Tommy asked pointing at the diaper that was left at the bottom of the bed with the pajamas.
"Not bad at all prince" Phil repeated the littles words and gave him a hug until he calmed down fully.

"How about we get you changed and get you a bottle hmm?" Phil asked the little again, realising that Tommy probably rejected the bottle because of embarrassment.

And this time, Tommy nodded his head and crawled to the bottom of the bed where the pajamas were, waiting for Phil to help him get changed and put the diaper on him.

Phil had successfully changed the little into comfier clothing and the diaper and was respectful to look away when needed to give Tommy the privacy.

When changed, Phil picked up the little and just before leaving the room, Phil went into the bedside dresser and grabbed out Tommy's paci and like before, Tommy started shaking his head.

"Comfort isn't embarrassing my prince" Phil reassured the little once again who hesitantly reached out for the paci and Phil popped it in his mouth and on the way downstairs, Tommy cuddled his head onto Phils shoulder.

When they got back downstairs, Kristin was sat on the couch on her phone and on the coffee table, was a bottle full of milk.
"Heya Toms, there's a bottle there buddy if you change your mind" Kristin spoke calmly as Phil sat down with the little on top of him.

Tommy turned around and reached for the bottle and when he couldn't reach, he poked at Phil to get it for him. While being fed, Tommy moved to be sat in a blanket nest in between his two caregivers and watched whatever show was on TV.

It was long until Tommy finished the bottle and asked for his paci back and Phil smiled at him proudly, gave him a "well done" for being accepting of his comfort items and ruffled Tommys hair a bit before calming it down to be playing with the littles hair as he drifted off to sleep.


1217 words

Let's all be respectful of other peoples comfort items (and quite frankly, I use these items too!! - depending on age ofc!)

This was a nice chapter to write and I apologise if its not what you expected at all! (If there is anything you see wrong with it, feel free to correct it and I'll change it up a bit!)

Stay safe, stay hydrated
Remember that comfort is most definitely NOT embarrassing and the most important thing is that your happy
I love you all so much <3<3

Have a great rest of your day/night!


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