pumpkin tea party

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A small littol early Halloween story?!

Littles! Ranboo

Caregivers! Foolish (for Ran)
                       Kristin (for Tubbo and Tommy)
                       Philza (for Tubbo and Tommy)

Basic plot:
The littles were in the Halloween mood and wanted to have a small tea party so what better way to have one than dress up as little pumpkins?


Tommy was fast asleep on Philza, Tubbo and Ranboo the same but on Kristin and Foolish as the three caregivers just talked about their things.

"What are you planning on building next mate?" Philza asked, obviously directed to Foolish
"Not really sure- just anything that comes to mind or if anyone asks for something really" He plainly replied.

"I wan build" a small mumble was heard from Ranboo who looked barely awake.
"Oh hey boo, you can build things later okay?" Foolish directed to the younger and nodded, and despite being awake, still lay cuddled up to his caregiver.

"I'm gonna go make some coffee, does anyone want anything?" Kristin announced while standing up with Tubbo still asleep in her arms.
"Jwuice!" Ranboo said happily in return and Kristin nodded. Philza asked for coffee and Foolish wanted hot chocolate and Kristin left to go get everyone their desired drinks.

It wasn't long before she returned but now Tubbo wasn't being carried in her arms, instead she carried two mugs in one hand a one in the other and Tubbo came trailing in a few seconds later with two sippy cups filled with juice, one which he was already drinking from and one for Ranboo.

Kristin sat back down in her previous spot, handing Foolish his hot chocolate before doing so and Tubbo climed up on the sofa to sit next to Foolish and handed Ranboo his sippy cup of juice and they just babbled to eachother, understanding eachothers unintelligible language tho it just sounded like a bunch of mashed up words to the others.

Not much longer later, Tommy woke up but pretended to still be asleep as he thought if he woke up then he'd have to get off of Philza.

"Tom, lovely, I know you're awake" Kristin spoke to the younger in a soft voice and Tommy just hummed and shook his head.

"Nwot movin" Tommy mumbled in response.
"You don't need to move mate" Philza just directed at Tommy who then moved to sit comfortably as he was awake.

The three littles held their non-understandable conversation and the caregivers held their own.

"Can we 'ave twea pawty?" Tubbo asked to Kristin and Philza and obviously Foolish heard.
"I thought you'd never ask!" Kristin said as she got up and Tommy made grabby hands for her and she picked him up and Tubbo slid off the sofa and held one of her hands as they walked to the kitchen.

"Do you wanna go with them love?" Foolish asked Ranboo who nodded and started to move around to slide off Foolish and the older helped and made sure to try not spill the hot chocolate in his hand.

Once ranboo was on the floor, he waddled over to the kitchen and saw the others grabbing biscuits and putting chocolate milk in sippy cups after heating it up in the microwave a little bit.

Tubbo and Tommy were sat on the island counter eating a cookie each and Ranboo wanted one too so he pulled on Kristin's sleeve.
"Can I haves cwookie pwease?" Ranboo asked quietly, scared that he wouldn't be allowed one since this wasn't where he lived.

"Of course Boo" Kristin smiled at the younger and handed him a cookie out the jar "Do you want to sit up there with Tom and Tubs?" She asked the little who had already began to eat pieces from the cookie and he nodded in response so Kristin picked him up and placed him an empty spot on the counter.


The littles were sat in the playroom upstairs, sitting around a small blue table and were sat on little pastel chairs and had a few stuffies sitting around them also on chairs.

"Ooh! Tis hwalloween swon!" Tubbo announced happily and Tommy and Ranboo looked just as happy about it.

"We shoulds make dis a hwalloween tea pwarty!" Tommy threw in an idea and Tubbo and Ranboo agreed so they went into the chest room and went to look for some pumpkins.

Once they successfully found three carved pumpkins, they ran back to the playroom to their table.
"Put dem on your head Boo!" Tommy said to Ranboo who now figured out what the whole idea was as he placed the pumpkin on his head and went back to eating cookies, having to physically look down to see where they were and Tommy and Tubbo put their pumpkins on their heads.

When Ranboo looked up he couldn't see but could hear Tommy and Tubbo but he just assumed they went to their bathrooms in the room.. until he saw plastic teacups and cookies floating and the cookies having bites taken out of them.

Understandably Ranboo was scared and just immediately started crying trying to get the pumpkin off his head in a struggle and when he did, he ran as fast as he could downstairs to Foolish, almost falling a few times.

"Hey, hey, whats wrong flower?" Foolish quickly asked the little who came running to him and pulled him into a tight hug.
"T-They was g-one!" Ranboo cried out and Philza and Kristin gave sympathetic but confused looks.

Well, the confused looks didn't last long as Tubbo and Tommy came downstairs and were then seen with pumpkins on their heads.
"Tom, Tubs, can you take those off please?" Phil asked patiently with the littles as they had no idea this would happen. The two littles complied and had very apologetic looks on their faces.

Tubbo went running over to Kristin and Tommy not far behind.
"Wha hwappened mama?" Tubbo asked his caregiver as she held Tubbos hands.

"Endermen can't see people when they wear pumpkins on their heads lovely" Kristin responded, teaching the littles who looked as if it was then the most obvious thing.

"Oh.. im sworry Boo" Tubbo said as he climed on the sofa and sat next to Foolish, looking at Ranboo who was a lot more calm than before.
"Me twooo!" Tommy yelled climbing on to sit behind Tubbo and Ranboo gave them a smile in response.

They went back to their tea party once Ranboo had calmed and this time, they used the pumpkins as spooky decorations instead of wearing them.


(1110 words)

Thank you for reading this random chapter-
I love you all so so much!!
Bye byess!! <33


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