colours and cuddles

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Little! Tommy (2)
CG! Techno

Basic plot:
Tommy was regressed and wanted to do some colouring however Techno was streaming so he had to wait for him to finish. Once it became really late and the two were colouring, Tommy fell asleep on Techno.

This was inspired by someone else's story but I cant quite remember who's it was, I apologise!

no TW for this one! :)

Tommy was sitting patiently outside of Technos door and was quietly listening to him talking to his chat and whoever else he was on call with - seemed like Philza and Wilbur.

He had been waiting a while but was prepared to wait longer since he didn't really need anything seen as though they both had something to eat already. He wasn't becoming annoyed, just bored of waiting.

However when he heard that monotone voice start saying his usual end-stream talk, the little got really excited to see Techno (despite literally being at his house all the time)

Yet even when the room before the little went silent indicating that everything was off and ended, there was no movement heard getting closer to the door.

So Tommy took it into his own hands to have to get Techno to colour with him. He made his way to standing up and balanced himself with the wall next to him when he almost stumbled over.

He opened the door and saw Techno still sat at the desk with his headphones on doing some uninteresting adult business.

Tommy just waddled his way over to Techno and grabbed at the olders arm, Techno took off his headphones and look at the boy next to him.

"You need anything Toms?" Techno asked as he placed his headphones on the desk before him.
"Le's go!" Tommy said enthusiastically and started tugging at Technos arm and once the older was standing, Tommy was trying to drag him out of the room to lead him somewhere.

"Where we going sprout?" Techno asked the little who still had a wide smile on his face while walking Techno towards his playroom.

When they entered the room, Techno saw how there was some colouring books, pens, pencils and sticker sheets layed across the floor.
"You want to do some colouring, luz de sol?" Techno asked the little who quickly nodded his head and sat down and pointed for Techno to sit next to him.

Despite starting sitting next to eachother, Tommy had managed to effortlessly be sat on Techno crossed legs as is they were some form of comfy nest.

Techno looked over to the clock that was on the wall and seen that it was 10 pm and was obviously way passed Tommy bedtime yet when he was about to tell Tommy it was time for bed, he was met with the sound of soft snores coming from the younger.

So instead of trying to move anywhere since Tommy was a light sleeper, Techno just grabbed a fluffy blanket which was placed on the floor and wrapped it around them to keep heat close to make things as comfy as possible.

Luckily the playroom light had a timer to switch off at 10:30 pm so Techno wasn't sat in the blinding brightness for too long.

And thats how the rest of their night went. Asleep in eachothers presence, keeping eachother warm and Techno having his arms protectively wrapped around the peacefully sleeping little


623 words

Short story?!?!
Yea- sorry for it being so short- I had the inspiration and motivation and wanted to write it all down before I forgot :> (and before my DT teacher left campus for the day)

Stay safe and hydrated!!
I love you all so much, buh bye! <3<3


DSMP Age RegressionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz