i didnt quit! (A/N)

917 20 14


This is awkward lol-
Guess who's feeling -slightly- mentally better!?

Sorry it took me soo long-
I hope that I can give you all the stories you expected before I went on that long ass break-
If I forget one, just let me know!

However I'm back!!
And (ironically) on my birthday so-
Happy birthday to me ig :)

I just want to thank you if you stuck around throughout the whole break

And those who said really nice things to me when I announced I was having a break (or possibly quitting-)
^ its those people specifically who motivated me to
   come back!

I hope you can all forgive me for taking the break and stopping you from reading continued parts to some stories, im really really sorry!!

I love you all so so much, you don't even know <3 <3
(And tbh i sorta missed you all aswell-)


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