what a sweet fox

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little! Fundy
cg! Eret

basic plot: 
eret finds fundy outside on a bench asleep so they take him in and take care of him and the little has a nightmare so eret calms him down and takes care of him (like the amazing person she is)
!Also I will be using all pronouns for Eret, not just specific ones! (Like your supposed to anyway-)

- nightmares
- upset little
Pls let me know if there's any more! I won't hesitate to add more so don't second guess >:(
I want you all to feel safe


Eret was about to go on a nice walk around the smp until he saw something orange catch the corner of their eye. He looks towards what it was and saw a familiar figure, Fundy.

Eret made his way over to the fox and found he was asleep, and looked sort of worried. What was he even doing out here?

Although confused with the situation, Eret decided to take Fundy back to her castle to situate the fox in a comfy and warm bed. 

Once it was certain that Fundy was comfy, Eret handed the fox a small plushie which the boy had owned since he was brought up in l'manburg. and instead of leaving the room, Eret situated herself on the chair at the other side of the room to pay close attention to the worried looking boy.

It was calm in the room for 30 minutes until Eret could hear small whines coming from the bed. They looked up from her book and saw that Fundy was tossing and turning and was crying slightly in his sleep.

When Eret made an accidental noise when standing up, Fundy immediately woke up and sat up in fear, keep in mind the room has no light in it other than the window which is behind Eret so it makes him look like a silhouette.

Fundy started crying and panicking more and more with every step Eret took closer.

"Dont cry my little prince, its just me" Eret said calmly and the littles faced relaxed ever so slightly when he heard Eret.

" 's dawk" Fundy mumbled pointed out the absence of light in the room.

"I'm sorry little one, ill turn the lights on" Eret said as she made her way to the light switch and let it fade on
"Better?" They asked the little who nodded his head.

"Why are we so worried my love?" Eret asked as they went and sat on the bed and pulled Fundy onto his lap.
"Bad dweams" Fundy mumbled into Eret chest and clutching onto their warm clothing for safety.

"Oh, well thats no good! How about we read a nice book to help you fall asleep? Does that sound okay, button?" Eret asked calmly, mentally noting that Fundys words were a lot more slurred than they usually were when he regressed.

However, the little shook his head and pointed towards some building blocks and 6 piece jigsaw puzzles.
"Ah, do you want to play?" Eret asked as he stood up and took the little over to the playmat.

Eret situated herself across from Fundy and played with the little to help him take his mind off the nightmares.
"Lookie! Cawstle" Fundy pointed and clapped his hands at the small castle he made out of the wooden blocks.

"Wow! Thats so cool button!" Eret praised and ruffled Fundys hair and the little giggled a bit at the affection.

Fundy continued to make different things out of the wooden blocks and in the end he ended up making a smaller house off to the side of the castle and claimed thats where he lived.

It wasn't long after playing that Fundys stomach grumbled and the little paused what he was doing and sat staring at his stomach for a bit and his ears twitched when it grumbled again.

"I thinks I ates a dwinosaur" Fundy whispered pointing at his stomach and Eret couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"You didn't eat a dinosaur bubs, but you are hungry. So let's go get you something" Eret said as he stood up and picked up Fundy and he laughed as he got lifted into the air.

Fundy was being carried by Eret to the kitchen and the whole way there, the little entertained himself by playing with Erets hair and babbling about random, non-undersatndable things.

"Angel milk or bedtime kisses my love?" Eret asked as he grabbed milk from the fridge since it would be needed either way.

"Bedtwime" Fundy mumbled and he rested his head on Eret shoulder and just had hold of a handful of Erets hair.

"Aw, are you feeling sleepy baby?" Eret asked as she rubbed Fundys back a bit and the little released his grip from Eret hair and was now just messing with Erets clothing.

Fundy nodded his head in response to the question and Eret put the correct amount of milk into a jug and put it into the microwave to heat up for around 2-3 minutes.

He walked over to the cupboard with all the bottles/sippys/cups/mugs and allowed the little to point out which one he wanted, which turned out to be a glittery orange one with a few star stickers on it.

Eret also went over to the cupboard with all the seasonings, spices and flavouring and grabbed out the nutmeg, cinnamon and honey and once the milk was done, he put about 1 or 2 tablespoons of each in the milk.

He poured the milk into the littles bottle and didn't allow the little to drink it until they got back to the bedroom, so Fundy was then eager to want to go back. However, Eret got thirsty so they poured himself a glass of cranberry and apple juice and got Fundy to carry the bottle as she carried their own drink.

When they got back to the room, Eret placed his drink on the nightstand and placed Fundy back into the bed yet having to climb into the bed himself when the little began to whine.

Eret assisted Fundy on drinking the milk and the little drank the majority of it before falling dead asleep. Eret placed the almost empty bottle on the nightstand and grabbed his own drink also drinking the majority and then getting comfy with the little cuddling close to him.

Guess that they were sleeping with the lights on tonight then.


1192 words

Yo its me- yah boy- repressin' regression cos I don't have the guts to ask my English teacher to be my proper caregiver even tho he's offered many times-

Right! Thats another chapter and also! Guess who only has to wait another GODAMN MONTH FOR THEIR THUMB TO GET BETTER!!

This gets annoying at this point

However I have found that it is semi-easier to type on laptop so this story was brought to you by my English teachers laptop- wOoO!
(And he read it- again-)

Hope you all have a wonderful day/night, be sure to keep hydrated and stay safe
I love you so much!! TwT <3


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