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Blackhat, the most evil being in the history of evil.  Some say he is the god of evil, the first evil born.  Some know him as Terror, other villains even fear his name. Me, I know him as one thing, Boss. The names Ridley, and if you think this is some goody goody backstory, where he turns this sweet thing into a bad seed, The get slap right, in, the, face. Because this boy, was a bad seed, I was raised in the streets, streets where you had to fight to survive. 

Ridley: (even now I've been doing that)

In an underground boxing ring, the crowd cheers watching the combatants go back and forth. The bigger more muscular one lands a punch, launch the other one into the cage.

Ridley: (now I bet you're wondering, who is that big tall figure, you would think he's me.... Wrong)

The figure sent into the cage gets up and spit blood.

Ridley: (that's me, yeah the scars says it all. The big I'm fighter is the raining champ, he got some power that made him crazy beefy. Me, I have the power: " I don't give a shit what power you have Im gonna take, you, down. Now back to the fight.)

Ridley gets up and starts fighting. Exchanging blows with the big guy. This was the fourth round of this fight and the betters had their money in the big guy. But sadly to say I'm not easily beat. The big guy was now tired. Ridley use to his advantage. Landing many brutal hits on the big guy. He then goes for his gut. Knocking the brusier off balance. Then landing a brutal uppercut. The big man falls hiting the floor. Ridley proceeds to beat the figure down into a bloody mess.  They crowd cheered as Ridley roars.

Ridley:( if you think this is the reason I'm like this, then stop guess a continue watching the flashback).

After the match, Ridley got clean up and went to the boss of the place.

Boss: you did good Ridley, you beat my champion. Good for you

Ridley: thanks, now where is my money.

Boss snap his fingers. His goons bring in a large case. Ridley opens it as he counts the money. He close the case an walks out.

Boss: But the problem is, my champ is to bruise to continue, a the money is gonna dry up. So I want you to compete in more matches

Ridley: sorry but I don't need to fight anymore.

Boss: done think that you can just walk away from me, I'm not so easily forgiving 

The goons pin him down. Ridley grows until the boss snapped his fingers, letting him go. Ridley push through them a left. Making his way past the town he was stalled by shadows. He headed to his apartment, a large Room with cages and test tubes. He set his stuff down and smiled.

Ridley: ah hello babies, I'm home

The animals start bark and growl. He pets several an walks to table. The various test tubes were animal dna and chemicals. People don't know but Ridley is an alchemist.

Ridley: final, with the money I can now continue with my experiments. To evolve, no longer being held back by higher ups an lousy shit heads. 

He begins to work. Then we see a shadow look through his skylight, giving a toothy smile. Weeks has past, he  working on the serums. Perfecting it, testing it on rats. Trials and errors until it was finally ready. 

Ridley: finally 

He eyed the serum. It glow entranced him. He'd strapped himself on a table, connected to various tubes, ready to take the serum.

Ridley:(this is where the magic happens)

he released the serum. Flows through the tube releasing the serum into his body. Nothing happened.

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