The Finale (Part Two)

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The Chained Man had Akuma pinned to the ground with both hands wrapped around his neck. Its claws were digging into his skin. A deep guttural sound escaped from the creature's throat as it squeezed harder and harder.

Suddenly, Akuma's eye shot wide open. There was something different about it. Instead of the usual crimson red, it now glowed bright orange.

His hands, which were rapidly growing into claws, gripped the beast's manacles. With a cry of rage, he threw the monster off of him.

It scrambled to get away as Akuma rose to his full height. A dark aura surrounded his body, giving off a foreboding presence.

"I shall grind beneath my heel ALL THAT EXISTS!"

He tore off his prayer beads, sending them flying through the air. His skin turned dark blue as his soul became one with the Satsui no Hado.

Akuma was gone. All that remained was Oni.

Slightly wary of this "new" opponent, the Chained Man sent a chain flying towards him. Oni caught it in one hand.

The beast began to grow anxious. It threw another chain in a desperate attempt to hurt him.

Oni grabbed the second one as well. His forearms began to glow white. In a single motion, he turned around, pulled on the chains with all his might, and shattered them.

The Chained Man screeched in pain as its skull felt ready to burst. In the deepest reaches of its mind, some semblance of sanity started to return.

"All the strength in the world could not save you now. You shall be damned once more."

Dark blue lightning crackled between Oni's hands. The demon poured all of his unholy power into one final attack.

There was nothing the Chained Man could do but watch as the sphere of energy grew larger and larger.


Oni unleashed the full strength of the Satsui no Hado in an intense blast that destroyed all that stood in front of him.

The hurricane that had nearly destroyed the Arena finally subsided. Bright rays of sunlight peaked out through darkened clouds. For a moment, the only sound that could be heard was Oni's own harsh breathing.

Then, somewhere far off in the distance, a certain cyclops rose from the depths of the flooded wasteland.

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