Day Three

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Ron found Clarisse's cave/hideout. He took some of her supplies before setting fire to the camp.

Voldemort "convinced" Snape and Dobby to help him search for other tributes. Tyson tagged along as well because he wanted to be part of the "club."

Rachel walked through the forest. If her vision was correct, then it would be somewhere around here. That's when she saw it, a heap of bones and torn flesh. There was almost nothing left of him. Next to his body was a pair of bloody footprints leading off into the wilderness. Whatever did this was not human.

Thalia traveled to higher ground for a better view.

Piper searched for her rat companion who had been missing since yesterday.

Chiron received a bow and quiver from an unknown sponsor.

Coach Hedge received fresh water from an unknown sponsor.

Peter Pettigrew discovered a river.

Hermione and Malfoy reluctantly worked together to gather resources.

Leo tested his murder drone. It worked just fine, but he couldn't find any tributes to try it out on.

Fred and Bellatrix worked together to hunt for more tributes.

After waking up in the middle of the night, Octavian was shocked to see Luna cuddled up next to him. Throughout the entire next day, he tried desperately to make her go away. She was stubborn and kept on talking about how working together would better their chances of survival. In actuality, she just didn't want to be left alone again.

Reyna and Annabeth ran into each other. They talked for a while before deciding to have a friendly spar. It made for good practice against fighting other tributes. Though Annabeth had come close to beating her, Reyna emerged victorious. After that, they discussed a plan on how to beat all of the other tributes.

Jason found Ginny sitting on a log with her legs curled up to her chest. He slowly approached and asked if she was alright. Ginny explained how she had been betrayed by Malfoy and just wanted to be alone.

Jason was at a loss for what to do. On one hand, she was an enemy and could be very dangerous. On the other, she seemed like she really needed somebody to talk to. He went with what his heart told him. He sat down on the log and chose to comfort her.

Deep within the heart of the forest, Nico's Stygian iron sword clashed against Clarisse's electric spear. Lightning crackled around the spear's tip as the daughter of Ares aimed a blow at Nico's abdomen.

He rolled out of the way at the last second before slashing her arm with his blade. She hissed in pain before kicking him in the chest, knocking him to the ground. Just as she raised her spear, the son of Hades stabbed her in the leg.

Clarisse fell to one knee as Nico got back up. She expected him to finish her off with his dark blade. No, that would be too easy.

Instead, Nico conjured up all his power to make the ground open up beneath Clarisse's feet. The earth swallowed her whole in an instant, leaving nothing behind.

Percy ran into Dumbledore near the lake. He uncapped Riptide and got into a defensive stance. The old wizard just smiled warmly.

"There will be no need for that. I am here to help you."

The half-blood looked at him quizzically.

"Help me? Why would you help me when we're trying to kill each other?"

Dumbledore stared off into the distance. With a wrinkly finger, he pointed towards the sky. On the horizon, thunderclouds were beginning to form.

"Dark times are coming. We must prepare ourselves for the challenges that await."

If anything, Percy was more confused than ever.

"What do you mean? What challenges?"

Dumbledore let out a sound like a half-laugh, half-sob.

"You heard it too. I know you did. Whatever beast made that wretched noise last night is coming for us all. We are doomed unless we find a way to work together."

Percy thought about what he was saying. It made sense. There was no point in killing each other if something else was already doing it for them.

"Okay. What's the plan?"

(S1, EP:9) Wizards and DemigodsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora