Night Five

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Percy lost track of where he was.

Tyson found Peter-in his rat form- on the ground. He saw how much the little creature was shaking and decided to cuddle with it for warmth. Meanwhile, Peter was screaming internally as he was crushed beneath the weight of a freaking cyclops.

Nico, Dobby, and Fred slept in shifts, though none of them slept well due to the fear of being ambushed.

Hermione sang a lullaby that her parents taught her. The thought of never being able to see them again was unbearable. Choking back sobs, Hermione silently cried herself to sleep.

Dumbledore tried to find the other members of his alliance but couldn't find them anywhere.

Thalia tried to help Rachel summon another vision. Despite their best attempts, nothing would happen. It was as if the Oracle of Delphi simply vanished.

Leo managed to chase down Akuma to the edge of the Arena. Flames burst to life in his hands.

"You... It's been you inside my head this whole time, hasn't it? You're the one who's been invading my dreams, aren't you? AREN'T YOU!?"

The demon balled his hands into fists.

"Step away, child. You want no part of this."

Taking another step forward, Leo locked eyes with him.

"Try me."

Akuma growled, baring his fangs.

"I made a promise to not harm you or any of your weakling friends, but if it is death you seek, I will show you the meaning of pain!"

That was the tipping point. Leo unleashed an inferno strong enough to burn down all of Camp Half-Blood. As the fire in front of him slowly died down, his jaw hit the ground.


In only a manner of seconds, Leo Valdez was no more.

Chiron led Piper, Ginny, and Jason on a trip through the woods. Low-hanging tree branches continuously hit their heads as they journeyed deeper into the unknown.

They heard it. An unholy screech broke through the silence, followed closely by the sound of approaching footsteps. Chiron was the first to react.

"Behind me! I have a plan to- GAHHCK!"

Chains flew out of the darkness, wrapping around his throat and bringing him to the ground. Jason and Piper drew their blades as Ginny grabbed her wand.

The beast leaped forth from the shadows. It slashed at Piper's face with its sharpened claws. The young half-blood cried out in anguish as the creature picked her up effortlessly and threw her at the others.

Chiron got back to his feet and shot an arrow at its shoulder. The monster roared in pain before turning around and lunging at him. A sickening CRACK signaled the death of a great mentor.

Jason aimed his sword at the beast and fired a lightning bolt. Its body was thrown against a tree from the impact of the blast. For a second, he thought that had done the trick.

It wasn't over yet. The beast jumped back to its feet. It willed the chains on its manacles towards Jason.

Piper knocked him out of the way at the last second. He and Ginny could only watch in horror as the blackened chains coiled around her throat like a snake. With a sudden jerk from the beast's hand, Piper's head was severed from her body.


Jason reached for his sword but was stopped by Ginny grabbing his shoulder. He looked back at her, incredulous.

"Please don't hate me."

In a flash, they were apparated away.

With a heavy sigh, Octavian finished chopping up wood for the fire. Who knew that cutting trees down with a sword would be difficult? He made it most of the way to the campsite before a twig snapped behind him.

The Roman half-blood spun around, brandishing his weapon. The sword was almost instantly thrown out of his hands by an unknown force. Snape was standing there with his wand drawn.

"Avada Keda-"


Severus went soaring through the air. Octavian looked around for a minute before seeing Luna pointing her wand at where the potions master once stood.

Just as he was about to say something, Octavian was tackled to the ground. Luna held him close. She put her ear against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. He was okay. He was safe.

"Uh, what are you do-"

Luna cut him off by pressing her lips against his. It was a bit awkward since neither of them had ever kissed or been kissed before. Regardless, they were in bliss.

She pulled back. They spent a while staring into each other's eyes. For once, it felt like everything was going to be alright.

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