Day Seven

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Snape overheard Tyson and Fred talking in the distance. They appeared to be in deep conversation about some monster out in the woods. He pondered what exactly he had been missing out on.

Rachel ran into Percy (literally) and frantically explained her vision to him. He was shocked at first but decided it would be best not to panic. The two of them ran off, trying their best to find a safe place to hide out.

Hermione and Ginny found Rat Peter eating the Ultimate Alliance's resources. They chased him away while waving their wands at him menacingly.

Dobby found a nice cave to rest in. As he lied down for a quick nap, he heard the rustling of chains from right behind him. It was too late. There was nothing he could do but scream as his flesh was ripped apart by monstrous fangs.

Nico, Jason, and Octavian sat under the shade of a large oak tree. It was a peaceful day thus far. Sunlight crept through the leaves, basking the ground in warmth.

"I thought he would be back by now," Octavian said, impatiently plucking grass out from the ground.

"Who knows how long he'll take. He is a very strange old man," Nico replied casually.

"He's never coming back."

The trio jumped as a new figure approached them. Akuma strode towards them with seething rage. In his hand was the severed head of Albus Dumbledore.

Their eyes widened in horror. Nico was the first to speak up.

"We had a deal! You said that you would leave us alone!"

Akuma dropped the head and snarled.

"I tire of your lies! I have searched this entire Arena and not ONCE seen the creature you speak of. I shall stay my hand no longer."

The three half-bloods readied their weapons. Octavian ran up first, attempting to stab the demon in the neck with a sharpened stick.

Instead, he was thrown to the ground and stomped in the gut.

Akuma threw a violet ball of fire at Jason. It hit him in his chest and knocked him back. The demon performed a roundhouse kick just as Nico came within striking distance.

Though it had only been a few seconds, they knew that winning would be impossible. That's why, when Akuma took another step forward, Octavian stabbed him in the ankle with his stick.

He roared in pain before turning towards his attacker. Octavian locked eyes with the other two.


Akuma looked back just long enough to see Nico grab Jason and disappear through the shadows. He clenched his fist, summoning a dark flame around it.

The next thing Octavian knew, he was being hoisted up by the front of his shirt and thrown against a boulder. Akuma channeled all of his energy into a single fireball.
This would be the Roman's last moments.

"See you soon, Luna."

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