Day Six

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Snape picked up some flowers that he needed for a memory-revival potion.

Nico saw smoke rising in the distance but knew better than to investigate. He could only hope that the demon would make good on its promise.

Fred traveled to higher ground.

Thalia began creating makeshift arrows.

Dobby discovered a nice little cave that he decided to sleep in.

Tyson and Ginny spent the day looking for the other members of their alliance.

Jason begged Percy to kill him. Life was meaningless without Piper. He no longer wanted to be part of this twisted game.

Percy refused and instead embraced Jason in a comforting hug. He told him about what happened to Annabeth. Whatever that thing was, it had killed both of their girlfriends, and together, they were going to make it pay.

Hermione and Rachel chased after Rat Peter for the entire day, occasionally losing sight of him whenever he hid inside a tree. After several hours of this nonsense, they decided to call it a day.

Octavian and Luna held hands as they strolled through the woods. Even though they were in a pretty bad situation, they could at least enjoy small moments like this. There was something that was nagging at the back of his mind however.

"Luna, can we stop for a second? There's something I need to tell you."

She stopped and turned around to face him with a wide smile spread across her face.

"Sure. What is it?"

Octavian gulped. This was going to be slightly harder than expected.

"I'm, uh, not very good with these types of things, but I wanted to say that... well, I feel that- y'know, I, er..."

Luna walked over to him and placed her hands on his shoulders. His face grew beet red.

"What is it?"

Octavian swallowed hard. He was going to do this.

"I just wanted to say, I... lo-love-"

Before he could get another word out, a hand burst out of Luna's chest, holding her still-beating heart.

The chained beast threw her body aside a piece of trash. Octavian didn't even have time to process what was going on before the creature raised its clawed hand into the air.


Deep gashes appeared on the beast's shoulder and arm, causing it to howl in pain. Dumbledore aimed his wand at it again, this time going for the head.

The beast ran off into the woods before another word could be spoken. A trail of red splotches followed in its wake.

Octavian fell to his knees in front of Luna's desecrated corpse. It was all he could do to hold back a strangled sob.

Dumbledore walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Do not fret, young half-blood. We shall find the monster that did this."

Octavian pulled out his blade.

"I know we will."

He got to his feet and glared in the direction the beast had gone.

"And when we do, I'm going to be the one to avenge her."

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