Night Eight

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Ginny passed out from crying so much. She began to thrash about randomly from time to time as nightmares of that day's events continued to torment her mind.

Peter ate all of the resources he stole from the campsites he infiltrated.

Tyson created a shed made out of rocks and sticks. It was far too small for someone his size, though he didn't really care. To him, it was the closest thing he had to home.

Everything was set. Rachel's plan was foolproof. The other tributes may have been powerful, but they could not see into the future like she could.

As a precaution, the oracle attempted to summon a vision of the future just to make sure that she had truly prepared for everything. What she got instead was a splitting headache that made her collapse into a fetal position.

From inside of her mind, she could hear a voice calling out to her. It sounded somewhat soothing, yet she could not shake the feeling of wrongness that crept up her spine as she heard it speak.

"Now, now, we wouldn't want to spoil the big finale, would we?"

Atop the highest point in the Arena sat Akuma. His legs were crossed. His breathing was steady. Meditation was perhaps the only thing that made him somewhat resemble an honorable warrior.

He suddenly clutched his head in agony. It felt as though something deep inside him was trying to force itself out. Dark energy surrounded his balled up fists as he struggled to contain the evil spirit within him.

Slowly, he managed to regain his composure. Something like this had not occurred in several years. Akuma knew instantly that something sinister was afoot.

He knew not who had originally brought him to this place of torment nor why, but he knew that whoever it was would pay with their life.

He would escape this place, even if it meant casting aside what remained of his humanity

(S1, EP:9) Wizards and DemigodsWhere stories live. Discover now