The Bloodbath

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A gentle breeze blew throughout the Arena as the rising sun basked the cursed grounds in warmth and beautiful light. Time seemed to crawl to a halt as the tributes scanned their surroundings. Some were able to recognize friends and family among those who were chosen for battle. Others were disappointed and enraged to spot their mortal enemies. However, they all had one goal: survival.

The horn sounded, and the games began.

Chiron grabbed a canteen full of water before galloping away from the ensuing chaos.

Sirius Black ran towards a muggle weapon that he found laying on the ground. Unfortunately, Piper got to it first and turned on her heel, swinging the mace at him. Sirius managed to duck just in time before kicking her in the abdomen and stealing it for himself.

Dumbledore found some rope and an old Deluminator.

Hedge ran away with a basket full of ambrosia.

Clarisse charged at Grover with her spear raised high above her head. Vines instantly wrapped around her legs, locking her in place. The satyr put his magic reed back in his pocket before sprinting off into the woods.

Octavian shouted, "FOR ROME!" as he threw an Imperial gold dagger straight into Luke's forehead.

After a quick argument between Reyna and Malfoy, they decided to work together to gather as many supplies as possible. Neville, afraid of being left for dead, joined the group.

Lupin flew away on a broom that he found in the Cornucopia.

Harry and Hermione came to a standoff against Annabeth and Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Just as they were about to draw their weapons, Rachel stepped forward. She explained to the wizards that she could foresee the future and told them that they would all die if they didn't leave the Cornucopia immediately. Though still wary of each other, they called a truce in order to survive.

Bellatrix Lestrange apparated in front of Percy and kicked him in the face, breaking his nose. She grabbed the nectar he was carrying before running off into the woods.

Hazel ran towards Voldemort with her golden spatha outstretched. Just as she was about to reach him, a scratchy voice yelled out:

"Avada Kedavra!"

Peter Pettigrew put his wand away as the daughter of Pluto crumpled to the ground without so much as a dying gasp.

All of the other tributes managed to escape undetected.

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