Character Bio (Part Three)

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Name: Chained Man

Franchise: N/A

Alliance: Evil

Race: Revenant

Physical Abnormalities: Horns, Razor-Sharp Teeth, Claws, Burned Skin, Pointed Ears, Demonic Eyes

Weapons: Chained Manacles

Powers: High Resilience, Regeneration, Super Strength, Enhanced Senses

Description: The Chained Man is a tortured, demonic spirit that managed to escape from the fiery pits of Hell. His wrists and neck are bound with chains made of [REDACTED] that symbolize his soul's eternal damnation. Due to spending years in that hellish realm, his mind, body, and soul have been irreversibly damaged. In addition to his disfigured visage, he has also been driven to insanity thanks to decades of nightmarish torture. He has become more beast than man, using his senses and relying entirely on his instincts rather than any rational thinking.

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