Chapter 23 - Façade

Start from the beginning

Since Taehyung had given his engagement ring back to it's rightful owner, Namjoon, he no longer had one. Of course, that wouldn't really be a problem in any normal marriage circumstance. However, due to the nature of Kang-min's work, Jeongguk didn't want to risk any unnecessary explanations about why Taehyung had to give the ring away.

Jeongguk didn't have the money or the time to buy a ring so instead he opted to make one out of his necklace. It would hold more meaning anyway so he knew Taehyung wouldn't mind.

Getting out the clippers from the draw, Jeongguk fashioned a ring out of a chunk of the silver spheres that made up the necklace. The finished product definitely wasn't anything fancy but it did the job.

The necklace was magnetic so it clipped back together easily enough. The ring was extremely basic but at least it was something.

"Taehyung! Come here!" Jeongguk yelled as he went into the living room to find his husband.

The brunet dashed into the room and walked over to Jeongguk with a smile.

"Yeah?" The male replied.

"I made you this as a replacement for your engagement ring," Jeongguk stated as he gestured for Taehyung to hold out his hand so that he could slip the ring on.

"Aww thank you Jeongguk. I love it," Taehyung stated, whispering the end part absentmindedly. The ring held a lot of meaning and the brunet was grateful that Jeongguk thought about him.

"I just finished tidying so-" Taehyung started, but was cut off by a knock on the door. The two husbands looked at each other in panic before Taehyung walked over to the door and opened it.

"Hi kang-min." The brunet said as he welcomed the man in, before turning back to Jeongguk and standing behind his wheelchair.

Taehyung placed his hands on his husband's shoulder, squeezing the skin there slightly.

"Hi dad," Jeongguk greeted, smiling when Kang-min bent down to hug his son briefly.

"Are you two ready to go?" The male stated, his eyes wandering around the apartment briefly, smiling when he saw the two husbands' wedding photos.

"Yeah, we are," Taehyung answered for the both of them. Jeongguk had his first round of physiotherapy out of hospital today and Taehyung insisted that he came along with his husband for support.

Kang-min also wanted to be there and it scared the two husbands. Being around an experienced military policeman just increased the chances of their façade crumbling. It piled the pressure on more than it already was but it wasn't like they could say no to Kang-min.

That would just be even more suspicious.

After getting Jeongguk down to the bottom floor, all of the men were able to get into the car. Kang-min lifted his son into the passenger seat while Taehyung folded away the wheelchair and then they all set off.

At first there was a heavy silence but soon enough, Kang-min started to ask questions. It was daunting for the two husbands but they covered their panic well.

"Have you two been enjoying living together?" Kang-min asked, turning the music down slightly so he could hear a bit better.

"Yeah, it's been great. It's nice to finally spend a bit more time together," Jeongguk answered as he turned backwards to smile at Taehyung.

"That's nice. By the way, what happened to your engagement ring Taehyung?" Kang-min inquired.

The brunet gulped slightly at the question, his Adams apple bobbing up and down.

"O-oh it was only a temporary one. That ring was actually meant to be for Namjoon but Jimin never got the chance to give it to him. I've got a much better one now anyway," Taehyung answered as truthfully as possible before leaning forwards to show Kang-min the new ring that Jeongguk made for him.

Kang-min recognised the material immediately and internally cooed at how cute it was. Jeongguk threw Taehyung a look of approval for his answer, proud of his husband for thinking on his feet and not giving a bad response.

"Well, here we are," Kang-min announced as the car pulled up to the hospital.

"Are you ready love?" Jeongguk asked somewhat jokingly to Taehyung as he unclipped his seat belt. The brunet hid his snicker as he made eye contact with his husband. Jeongguk could truly be a nuisance when he wanted too. The ravenet knew how much Taehyung hates pet names- especially in front of people.

Acting all lovey dovey was really laying it on thick but not playing along would just make things worse. So, immediately Taehyung replied with a tight lipped. . .

"Of course dear,"

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