40: A Celestial Date

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AN: Wow, it's already chapter 40. Thank you so much for reading this far, and be sure to be taking breaks if you're reading after the entire thing has been published. If you aren't, thanks still for sticking with the story thus far, I hope you're enjoying it. Also, I swear there will be more plot heavy chapters soon. This story is beginning to draw to a close at last.

It has been an entire week of the silence that Xiao had grown to hate so very much. He had learned over the week that all three of them were exceptionally good at ignoring the reason for the silence. Or at least pretending to. The matter was eating at his mind like some stupid virus, and though Venti was acting nonchalant, it was clear he was getting antsy as well.

Xiao had a history of avoiding things of this manner, and as far as he knew, so did Venti, so they had just decided to wait for Aether to bring it up again. That clearly hadn't happened, and so his boyfriend was starting to take things into his own hands. He had arranged a place for them all to meet, and now, as they sat in that horrid silence still, he let out a sigh.

"Seriously, let's talk about it." His hands hit the table rather loudly, and Xiao watched as Aether jumped. Their blonde friend fidgeted a bit before finally signing.

"What is there to talk about? The both of you are dating." Venti made eye contact with Xiao, a little tiny grin forming at the corners of his lips before he too spoke.

"Xiao and I have talked about this a lot. About you." This got Aether's eyebrows shooting up, a frown forming across his face. Venti patted his back just a tiny bit, smile growing imperceptibly.

"We've been a little preoccupied recently, what with the whole dying thing, but we both have wanted you since the beginning." Aether's face flushed pink at that. In all honesty, Xiao wasn't even sure why he was here. Venti was good at this sort of thing, and it had him feeling like a stone wall. He was well aware that he had to be a part of the conversation, as it was something pertaining to him, but he was also aware as he zoned out that this sort of relationship wasn't common amongst the mortals.

Gods and adeptus such as himself tended to take more than one partner at a time, and it was received as a normal thing. But now, as Venti explained to Aether the specifics of the relationship the two of them would like to have, he grew a bit anxious.

What if Aether thought such a thing was strange and decided to shun them? Though Aether was clearly not concerned about it at all, the worry still crossed Xiao's mind leisurely.

Venti was tapping his arm gently the next second, tilting his head towards him as if expecting a response.

"I lost myself for a moment, what was it?" Venti smiled softly, warmth radiating off of him as if he commanded fire instead of the wind as he did. Aether was watching them intently, reminding Xiao for a moment of the fresh-faced scholars learning of the 'myths' of Liyue for the first time. Guilt flooded him. If his debt were to harm either of them in any way, he wouldn't be able to stand it.

Venti's voice rose through the fog in his head.

"I said we would be happy to take it slow and just try, isn't that correct Xiao?" Xiao was quick to nod. There was no way he would ever say no to an offer like that, no matter the still lingering doubt as to Aether's feelings towards him. He knew that in a relationship between multiple people communication was key, but his past swarmed him still. That was no concern of theirs.

Aether looked as bright as the day they first met, eyes shining and a faint blush on his cheeks. For just a second, Xiao wondered where the pixie had gone, before the thought was blown away as Venti planted kisses on both of their cheeks. If he had though Aether was pink before, he was nearly the color of a jueyun pepper now. It was a sight that Xiao felt would never leave his mind, and he hoped it didn't.

Venti swung an arm around Aether's shoulder, lifting his drink as Diluc raised an eyebrow at them. As they left the tavern, Xiao caught the laugh and friendly pat on the shoulder from Kaeya. He hoped they would find happiness as he had finally managed to.

With his arm still around Aether, Venti reached for his hand, laughing when Xiao made a face at the contact in public. Aether shot a curious look at Xiao and a little smile formed on his face as well. Xiao felt as his heart began to race nervously. Though he knew he was okay here and now, centuries of fighting for his peace had caused this feeling to be accompanied by dread. Venti squeezed just a little, and the warmth he felt earlier flooded him once again.

He wasn't even sure where exactly they were going, only that the ex-Archon had arranged for them to go to Liyue for something or another. He summoned a bouquet out of thin air and handed it to Aether before kissing Xiao gently as the winds began to whip around them. This was awful.

When they had finally landed, Xiao pulled away nearly angrily, crossing his arms and scowling.

"Did you really have to do that? I could have brought myself here." Venti laughed, spinning around Aether until the blonde was standing between the two of them. He knew Xiao wasn't the biggest fan of his favored method of travel, so he'd taken to distracting him with something else before he let the winds loose.

It was the worst habit the other man had taken up over the span of their relationship, irritating Xiao to no end every single time he did it. Though, at the amused look on Aether's face, his anger calmed significantly. If that was what it took to appease the both of them, then it was but a small thing in the bigger picture that was in Xiao's head forever.

Venti reemerged from his hiding place, grin once again present on his mischievous little face. He was quick to have an arm slung around Xiao's shoulder, much to the Yaksha's secret delight. He didn't think he would ever protest Venti's bouts of sudden closeness, no matter how they might fight in the future.

Tentative fingers touched his own, a blonde head close enough in his line of sight that he knew what he wanted. He hesitated for a moment before opening his hand and tilting it to an easier angle for him.

The stares of the people were beginning to burn into his skin as Venti separated from them to dash excitedly from on stall to another. Whilst he was used to the staring before he had left Liyue, he was a lot more used to the tranquility and acceptance of Mondstadt at this point, and he was starting to feel uncomfortable. Aether tapped him on the palm imperceptibly, drawing his attention away from the city he used to so love.

Not that he didn't still love his city, he did, he had just finally moved on. Though he wasn't sure if this was finally freedom, it sure as hell felt a lot closer than it had. Aether tilted his head just enough, golden hair shining in the midday sun. His concern was unnecessary, though, having spent more time around humans as of late, he supposed he could understand where it came from. The Yaksha's were no strangers to ridicule, no matter how hard they worked, no matter how hard Xiao worked: it just wasn't enough for some people.

He was ok with that. So he gave Aether the most long-suffering look he could manage. Something akin to what he imagined Kazuha would give had it been him in this situation instead. They emerged back into the street, Venti appearing from what seemed to be thin air with hands full of treats and food.

The air smelled wonderful, spicy and sweet, and so very like he had grown used to in his youth. The light breeze wafted different smells their direction, and as Xiao ate the tofu Venti had brought him slowly, Aether tried basically one of everything he was offered.

Venti was skipping around, weaving through the late evening crowds as Aether and Xiao followed him slowly. As it got slightly colder, and the people began thinning out, the ex-Archon gripped the both of their hands tightly, dragging them towards the pier.

The sun was dipping low on the horizon, rays illuminating the both of them in golden light. Xiao couldn't remember a time ever when he'd been this happy. He didn't think he ever had.

Venti was gazing at Aether with such tenderness as he hurried them along the wooden docks down to the water. Everything was about as good as it could get. Perhaps this was freedom. And yet he'd never felt so secure.

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