34. A Faraway Land

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It was so, so much earlier than he had become accustomed to waking, the artificial sun in the teapot barely over the mountain peaks and the sky stained pink. But as he stretched his arms high over his head, he supposed it wasn't so bad. Even though Venti's way of life was comfortable, he had other things to worry over now. Their friend was no where to be found, and none of his new acquaintances had heard from him in nearly two weeks. It was definitely worrying. He was definitely worried. And though he still knew that the blonde traveler he'd come to so adore was stronger than probably even him, a numb feeling still covered his body, making him further uncomfortable in resting.

So Kazuha's face that morning had been more than welcome, Xiao's tiredness overcome by the overwhelming aura of peace that seemed to trail the samurai. And though he was reluctant to leave the still sleeping Venti, he was also anxious to find their friend. His Master was more than capable of defending them if need be, so any worries concerning them were swiftly swept away.

Aether was his concern now. The thought of any harm befalling the sunny blonde was starting to become more than Xiao could bear, his worry overflowing into constant and nearly overwhelming pain. He had not been this afraid for a mortal in many centuries, and he knew it was obvious, though he willed it no to be. His hands shook even as he gripped his weapon now, Kazuha to his right as they were surrounded just a short ways from the city's entrance. The group looked akin to treasure hoarders, a foe he had grown accustomed to passing by in his long service to Liyue.

However, these wielded weapons of serious power, lightening arcing off the blade of one of them closest to him. He flitted before him, using his unnatural speed as his only advantage to get behind and overpower the man. His polearm felt good in his hands once again even as his nerves screamed with the pain of his debt. It was easier fighting with Kazuha, as the man pulled the enemies together for easy slaughter.

Just as soon as the four or so had fallen, more came from the trees, anger flitting their features and their feet already bracing for battle. No matter the strength of these opponents, this was no fair fight. Xiao had seen bloodbaths many a time in his past, been the one to orchestrate them. This was a bloodbath. Truly they had no choice, as their enemies swung at them with vicious strokes, murderous intent in their eyes. It was unfortunate, but necessary.

They neared the city, dripping wet from dipping into the water to cleanse themselves of the blood. Kazuha's steps were as sure and steady as the day they had met, the day he caught an Archon's blade to save their friend. Even now, as the tension and dread seemed to slide a freezing knife up Xiao's spine, the man beside him was calm as could be.

"How do you do that?" His voice sounded harsh and broken from disuse, his only words today being the cursing of whoever came upon them.

His response was a tilt of the head, white locks falling from his loose ribbon.

"Stay so infinitely calm." Kazuha smiled grimly at that, reaching his hand into the tie around his waist to produce a leaf. He lifted it to his lips, softly blowing on it to produce a soft whistle, before releasing it to the wind, which carried it eastward.

"Like leaves falling from a tree, the wind blows us in many different directions." He paused, as if any of the words that just left his mouth made any sense at all. "I figure the wind does the same to us, pushing us in the direction we should go."

It was poetic, sure. There was only one problem with that whole analogy.

"You've met the Anemo Archon. Just what exactly do you think goes on in his head?" Regardless of his adoration for the man who commanded the winds, Xiao was fully aware of his grand plan. Absolutely nothing. He was the weakest of the Archons for a reason after all, and that reason was firmly rooted in his disbelief that he should govern any of his people's choices. He didn't guide shit.

Kazuha smiled in that horribly wise way he tended to when he felt he was making something perfectly clear.

"I believe in no one Archon, rather that the will of the people takes them where they are meant to be. No matter how much time it takes."

Xiao simply nodded. He was beginning to understand the travelers description of the Kaedahara poet. 'When he speaks, it's less like words and more akin to a bouquet of flowers.'

They reached the gate, guards stationed either side giving him a bad feeling. They got no farther than the gate when they were being asked who they were and what their intentions in Sumeru were. Thank goodness for Kazuha's skill in taletelling. His words were like honey, and they slipped from his tongue as easily as Xiao had learned to exorcise demons in his youth. That is to say, easily.

Unfortunately, the guards just handed them round devices, explaining that the small accessory held all the knowledge of the people of Sumeru and would be an aid to them in their plight. Xiao examined the thing closely, walking past the guards and swiftly disposing of it behind a pot. Kazuha's quickly joined it, and they began their search.

From what he knew, Aether picked up his elemental powers from the Statue's of the Seven located in each country, and therefore would likely be trailed by a bit of dendro, at least until he decided what was the easiest method of fighting in this country.

He searched the streets carefully, the samurai at his side watching for blonde heads and yelling little girls as he scoured the area for traces of dendro.


There was nothing. Absolutely nothing. And though Aether made friends quite quickly, the men were unsure who would have any info regarding the blonde. Besides that, even though this was supposed to be the knowledge port of Teyvet, it seemed more abandoned than anything else. Barely anyone was out on the streets, instead just a few scholars speaking in hushed tones that hurried away the second Xiao or his companion spotted them.

This seemed...unusual to say the least.

Over the hours they'd searched, they'd begun to peek into the open doors of homes and inns, discovering only sleeping people. That was strange as well. It was well into the morning, the sun already risen far into the sky, and it seemed as though such an academic city should be bustling already.

It was definitely....not.

They came upon one of the multiple inns in the town, stopping outside to rest and ask if there was anywhere else an adventurer might go to stay. Thankfully, one of the academics took pity on Kazuha's innocent face and easy words and told them that if one were to be hosted by a wealthy family, there was a part of town their homes were kept neat. Though it didn't exactly seem to be Aether's sort of thing, they decided to check it anyway, as he had proven to be different than anyone ever thought he might be.

He was there, deep in sleep, his hair splayed the way they had gotten used to over the course of his illness. However, though they tried multiple methods of waking him, his eyes didn't flutter open in the way they were so used to.

Something was very, very wrong here.

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