Arriving in Kanezaka

Start from the beginning

Man in the black suit 2:Don't you know that tourism is the only thing that's keeping this shitty place alive! The tourists only want to hear about the crappy fox spirit,not that the Hashimoto clan has taken the place hostage! Now get out of here!

The man would push his fellow clan member away for being a fool.

The man would take out a cigarette and smoke it.

The Man in the black suit 2:Dumb fool,trying to put a stain on the Hashimoto clan's reputation. Most of the tourists don't even know that we even exist.


The encounter with those guys was weird,but i just simply shrugged it off.

As i exited out of the train station. I would see Kanezaka's beauty.

Y/N:I guess they didn't lie this town is truly beautiful.

There's so much to do in this town. Mainly because I'm in a new environment.

I would take out the guide book again and begin to read through it. I would mainly look at the map section of the town.

Since I'm moving here,i better find a place to stay and call home.

I would look around the area. Many people were celebrating the current Fox Festival that was going on.

I would walk while reading the guide i wasn't  paying attention to where i was going.

I would soon bump into somebody and we would both fall down.


Y/N:I'm so sorry!

I would open my eyes and see a girl with Green hair. She was wearing an outfit that looked similar to a shrine maiden's.

 She was wearing an outfit that looked similar to a shrine maiden's

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Y/N:My apologies,i wasn't looking where i was going.

I would stand up and offer the girl my hand. She would grab it and pick her self up.

???:No it's my fault.

She would laugh a little bit and get a good look at me.

???:I don't think that i've seen you around here. Are you a tourist?

Y/N:No I just barely moved over here.

???:Ah,Sorry i thought that you were a tourist. This town usually gains alot of tourism,especially during our festivals!

Y/N:I can see that. I'll probably head over to the festival later in the day.

???:It's really fun! The people of Kanezaka enjoy celebrating their traditions. As the fox spirit continues to protect us!

Y/N:That's really interesting to hear about.

She would then murmur something to herself.

???:Except when the Hashimoto clan ruins everything.

The protectors of Kanezaka (Kiriko x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now