The Right Hand Bio

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For this show of course it has an oc, it would disrespectful for not doing so. Name.

Ridley furnus 

Furnus is another word for furnace. 

Ridley is a boxer, alchemist, and born on the streets, a basic triple threat. Before, the change. After it he became an immense threat.

He had brown skin, a red and blue eye. Black and red hair. Sharp teeth. 

He wears a  graffiti mask, similar to kabal like in the mortal combat movie(2022). a tight muscle shirt, entirely black that show its muscles and definition, a long-sleeved leather trench coat over the t-shirt and had a red bandanna wrapped around the left bicep. It wears a pair of leather pants were also worn, the knees of which have knee pads. A pair of leather, steel toed boots are worn on its feet, with three spikes jutting out of the steel toed area; the boots reach up below the knees

Likes:  Sodas, deep fried food, his "babies", his ride.


Will be revealed over time 

Love interest:

Do I even have to say it.

Boom that's it for the bio. Ridley is gonna show the "team" why he was and always will be the blackhats favorite. Especially to a certain liquid lizard. Next chapter,  from alchemist, to enforcer, to right hand of evil in, Reward.

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