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"You no fit*!" I exclaimed.

Today is my twentieth birthday and I'm currently in my PJs playing against this online player.

I am the masterrr.

Yes, Annie and Lor regrets ever teaching me to play in a playstation. I've gotten so good at it that no one wants to play with me- cue to pout.

Plus they said something of me being mean after winning pishh, they're just sore losers.

"Yes, take that" I muttered standing up to do a victory dance and nearly died of heart attack when I saw Soph at the door.

"Jesus. Make some noise when you enter would ya?" I said placing right palm above my heart.

"You Efe are one weird girl. When you're supposed to be with your diary on the bed doodling hearts over you and my brother's names lovestruck, you're here in a huge shirt, just panties and sock on your feet playing against an online challenger" Soph tsked- Pajamas, don't mind her.

"That's oddly specific. I do- you know what, what do you want?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"Today's your birthday, for crying out loud- get dressed, we're going to the beach" Soph announced.

"We are?" I asked, I couldn't help sounding awestruck, this would be my first ever visit to the beach. If Soph saw it, she didn't comment.

"Yes, and I know this good two-piece swimsuit I got from the mall the other day" Soph announced turning to leave my bedroom.

I knew it was more than just pads she got from the mall, I just knew it.

"If you think I don't know a two-piece swimsuit is an undercover name for a bikini you lie!!" I yelled at her retreating figure.

"I know not what you speak of" Soph said with an eeeevviiilll cackle. Fine it was just a cackle, but I'm positive that it was evil.


"I hate you" I hissed as I reached the entrance door, Soph behind me laughing her ass off.

I was dressed in a two-fuvking-piece swimsuit, with a shawl over it- to not ruin Gaf's surprise. I mean, wtf
It's my birthday- cue to roll your eyes.

I meekly walked to the shotgun of her car, with my sunglasses in place.

Let's just go.

"You'd thank me later" Soph muttered starting her car and following Gaf's who's in front of us.


"If you don't remove that shawl before the boys come, I'm going to rip it off you. Dare me" Soph growled. I swear, she growled at me

So what if other ladies on the beach were decked in bikini's? I mean, so?

"Just know I'm pulling this off under duress" I said to Soph not meeting her gaze.

I'm not sure what I'd do to her if I should see the satisfied gaze. I struggled a bit to undo the knot but was halted midway by Soph.

"Don't look now but there's this chick clinging to my darling brother" Soph said.


I turned sharply. Hm

I met Gaf's gaze and nearly burst into laughter- he looked constipated. An idea caused me to smirk slyly when he met my gaze. He raised an eyebrow at me looking suspicious

I slowly undid the knots of my shawl then slowly took it off all the while looking at him the eyes.

His expression turned hooded as his eyes raked my form. I turned around and walked away with no where in mind.

"Tsk tsk- we've spoiled you rotten" Soph said amusement in her voice as she walked beside me.

I was heading to the bar I saw earlier. Maybe I could get those coconut things I see on TV or try a fruity cocktail. Hm so many options.

"You owe me" Soph added. I glared at her

"I don't owe you anything, besides, today's my birthday" I said flipping my non-existent hair.

Mhm- I'd decided not to wear any wig to the beach. Besides, my hair was already growing- it was already in an afro.

Not to mention I don't want my brain to overheat with a wig on hence why I'm in wearing a huge hat.

"What do you lovely ladies want?" The charming voice of the bartender asked.

"I want a that" I answered pointing to someone seating by the bar.

"A martini for the very pretty lady and for the pretty lady number two?" He asked. We made no comment on his 'very pretty' and just 'pretty.

"I'd have the same, Martin" Soph answered.

Hm- so she knows him? How though?

I said nothing as I sat on a stool waiting for my drink.

I turned and watched the crowd of people that had gathered. Is it strange that there were many people here at the bar than on the beach? Well it was a gross exaggeration but still, there's too many people here at the bar than when we came here and most of them weren't even buying a drink. Strange.

Most ladies would want to be on the beach to snare a young man or at least basking in the sun but- this is very very weird.

"Here" The bartender said. Hm. I collected from my martini glass and withheld taking a sip.

If there is anything, it is that when I feel something is wrong its most definitely wrong.

"What is it?" Soph asked watching me.

I had been excited for a drink, now that I'm with the drink I'm merely holding it.

"Where's Gaffy?" I asked instead. Soph pulled out her phone and speed dialled him.

"It's darling with me, she's all hot and bothered" Soph said.

Wtf- I told her to call Gaf not to give him false information.

"Are you crazy?" I asked in irritation. I know she couldn't be direct with him but there was many words in the dictionary that she could use. Many.

She rolled her eyes.

It was mere seconds that I saw Gaf jogging to me. Where's Annie and Lor?

"Gaffy, anything Soph told you- She's a liar" I blurted. Amusement shown in his eyes as he reached my stool and gazed down at me quite fondly.

"What is it?" He murmured into my ears, his arms winding round my waist. I kissed his neck before replying

"We're being watched" I whispered right back oddly satisfied when he shuddered.

We should have just stayed in our house oh even though I was really looking forward to staying at the beach for a few hours.

He took my hand and tugged me out of the bar area with Soph following right after. Gazes flickered to us. We are definitely being watch- by who though and why?

"Enjoy yourself sweetheart, I didn't want to mention it earlier when we arrived but I should have known you'd notice. It's your birthday plus I want you all tingly inside so that a hot make out would be in order especially with what you did taking off your shawl." Gaf said. I rolled my eyes at his statement's ending.


Oh well then, whom am I to dispute him?. A happy birthday to me.


And that's a wrap! This the ending you're all expecting? *giggles*

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