Boreddd !!

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I. Am. Bored

I've gone round the entire building with nothing to do. True, I could just plop down on a couch and binge watch many movies but I want human interaction and Sophia and Annie had gone out few minutes after I had eaten.

I wonder where Lor and Gaf is? Perhaps in their room? Or Gaf's office?

I turned to see my usual guard on standby by end of the door.

I wonder if he would catch me if I should burst into a run all of a sudden?. He glared at me before I even had the chance to start plotting.

Oh, the agony.

I stuck my tongue out to him and huffed.
I'm currently in a mini living room I found and I'm watching the blank TV bored.

I am so bored.

"Where is Gaf's office?" I asked curiously Luigi
"The boss haven't requested your presence so you shouldn't disturb him" Luigi murmured with such a force

Hian- did I force him? Osanuba

I walked out of the room with a sigh. Casually might I add, don't want to raise Luigi's suspicion especially since I just asked him where Gaf's office is.

Once I was few feet away from him I broke into a run. A series of swearing confirmed that he'd realise what I'm about to do.

I ran the stairs, four stair at a time to elude his fast, long legs  to the floor I'm wildly guessing is Gaf's before bursting open into the first door I saw to see a Gaf on a phone call


"E-" Luigi froze when he saw Gaf glaring at me. He really can't do anything to me because I'm recovering and he was sixty percent part of the cause of it so-

"Okay" Gaf ended the phone call.

"You may leave us, Luigi" Gaf instructed. Luigi nodded not before sparing me one final glare

Oh the love

"What do you want woman?" Gaf asked, the glare not leaving his face.

"I'm boredddd" I whined as i plopped myself on a chair.

"You're ill" Gaf muttered.

"I am not sickkkk !!" I whinnied angrily stomping my left foot. I had changed from what I slept in to something awfully a lot similar to what I had on. Except this time, I had a pair of fluffy slippers on with some shorts.

Gaf sighed.

"Why are you this whiny?" Gaf asked.

"It comes with the recovery" I answered sweetly.

Which recovery? Tch- abegii. Forget, I no well no mean say I no fit disturb.

"Take" Gaf said handing me his laptop on his desk.

"Busy yourself here and don't disturb me" Gaf said.

Finally !! A laptop!

I took it gingerly to play some games but it was locked.

"It's locked" I squeaked, my nose blocked.

When did that happen?

"Yo-" Gaf said but I interrupted him with a sneeze

Then another.

Then another, before blinking my watering eyes to rid the tears that had gathered at my lids.

"What kind of drug did that doctor give me?" I murmured as it became hard for me to breath.

"What is wrong with you?" Gaf asked peering at her from underneath his lashes. I glared at him

I really can't be wasting the oxygen in my system giving him a smart remark, so, I'd stick with glaring at him whilst breathing through my mouth instead.

Gaf raised an eyebrow at me

"I" exhale. Inhale

"Can't" exhale. Inhale

"Breathe" exhale. Inhale

His eyes widened. I would have laughed hard if I didn't sneeze immediately after.

I feel tired.

I slacked into my chair the adrenaline that's kept me going since morning leaving me. Traitor

"You're supposed to be resting" Gaf scolded as he came to squat in front of me. I looked at him with tired eyes.

"But I'm bored" I whispered tiredly but it was enough for him to hear because he rolled his eyes the next moment

"Can you stand?" Gaf asked

Gaf sighed removing the laptop from my laps and plopping it on one cute little table at the extreme of the room.

Very cute table, but noooooo

"Noo, my lappyyy" Gaf rolled his eyes placing it back in my arms

Before he lifted me up on his arms. Too easily

"Do you eat at all?" Gaf asked as he bent a little so he could reach the handle of the door before pulling the door open.

"Boss?" Luigi looked at him waiting for him to perhaps give me to him?

But noooooo

"Never mind, Luigi, I can handle her. She doesn't even weigh anything" Gaf muttered sparing me a glance.

I glared at him. Stupid weakness

He trudged on. I really can't bother myself to where he's going because he rhythmic swaying was lulling me to sleep

Beautiful DisasterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ