I'm leaving this fuck house

14 4 0

  It is a wise father that knows his child- Shakespeare ✨


" Harder!!" Were the wails of the girl on the screen

Make no mistake, I'm watching this but with one eye

It's too vivid

I'm even seeing the man's- thingy


I shut my two eyes when I saw liquid coming from both corrupt species

I didn't know when I did an imitation of the sign of the cross

"No closing your eyes, this is necessary to make you prepared" Rachael said her eyes trained on the screen


Prepare us for what?

To have sex?

My biology teacher would be disappointed at my reaction to this

I can already imagine her saying something like

"...it's simply them mating, how can you watch cock raping a hen but not your fellow specie..."

I won't be surprised if that woman was a silent porn watcher

I nearly covered my ears at the grunts that was coming from the video they were playing

All of you- straight hell fire

Oh my goodness

I'm the youngest here, so it'll be understandable if I can't watch this

What you don't know won't haunt you

I can't imagine myself in this place for another day here, I'm so leaving here

Suddenly the lights came on

"You'd be watching this clips everyday before work, why today was an exception is because you need to know what to do when you are faced with a man" Joy said


Yeah, I'm those kind of girls who don't really get aroused, never had the time to be aroused back at my aunt's house, so why the hell should I be aroused by a mere clip

"Here are your clothes" Rachel said tossing clothes to girls

It is easy for them because we were all seated how our names was listed

I yelped as the cloth landed on my lap

"Up up, you all need to rest from the flight and for work" Rachael instructed

We all stood and filed out of the room to another room with five bunk beds

I didn't need to be told twice as I layed on one of the bed and dozed off my mind already working on a plan to get the hell out of here


"Wake up !!" A voice yelled

Whoever it is should prepare herself for a beating

I groaned when I opened my eyes and met bright light

"What?" I croaked the annoyance shimmering down when I realized that it was Treasure

"It's time for work!!" She squealed

Like literally. In. My. Ears

I growled in irritation

Maybe this girl isn't innocent as she seems

You never can tell with all this girls

I begrudgingly stood up pulling down my trousers and top down before pulling the gown over my head

Surprise! Surprise!

The cloth barely made it through my thigh and has most of my breast on display

I'm leaving this fuck house

But before that, I have to determine whether or not Treasure is worth saving or not because now, I'm not so sure


🙃Well this chapter was very short 😂I'm sorry about that
Hope you enjoyed it tho ✨ Have a lovely day ✨

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