
20 7 3

Rejection is an opportunity for your selection.
Bernard Branson


Something is definitely wrong

Wait, when did they tell me that I'm going off to abroad?

Oh yes


And now, we are heading to this Madam Sara's house

They didn't even allow me touch a computer- like at all, I was too dazed to even try after working till past four this morning!

"You will be on your best behaviour and listen to everyone of Sara's instruction when she gives you" My aunty repeated the same line for the- sixteenth time now

"Okay" I muttered

Trust me, the woman will not let me hear the end of it if I don't acknowledge her statement- I learnt that from the first day i got to her house

We pulled to a stop at a high gate

"Get out" My aunt said


I got out of the car and paused for her to park in front of the gate

She looked at me expectantly- it took me good five seconds to realise what she was saying without words

I knocked on the gate- hard

"Who be that?" A voice yelled above the gate

"Tell your madam say her friend, Comfort dey" I yelled back

It took three minutes before the gate was pulled open and my aunty drove in

"Take your bag and follow me" my aunty said as she opened the booth of the car

I pulled my bag out and slung it over my shoulder and thrudged after her and into the mansion

Where the fugde did this woman get the amount of money to build this big house?

I didn't even hide my shock and surprise

"Dust your slippers at the foot mat before entering the house" My aunty said then turned and walked in

I rolled my eyes at her behaviour but did as I was told then walked in the house

I stood beside a three-setter chair- stupid manners

"Hey !" A new voice exclaimed in greeting

"Saraaaa !" My aunty exclaimed back
Nigerian women

"Oh you must be Efe" Sara said acknowledging me

No, evil spirit

I nodded keeping my expression blank

"Well, I'll take it from here or do you have anything else to say to her?" Sara asked my aunty

My aunty just looked at me then shook her head as she found her way out of the huge mansion

"Well, now that she's gone- I want us to be friends" Sara peered from her fake eyelash

I shuddered slightly as different thoughts of what this woman actual profession was

"And let me make this clear to you- Efe- you are in no way allowed to leave this premises at all, whatever you need, you'd tell me and I'd get it for you and you can't contact the outside world unless your aunt and uncle contact you, okay?" She said

What the hell did my aunty and uncle put me in? A prostitute house?

I nodded

"Let me show you around" Sara said, walking into the house

"Am I the only one here?" I asked anxiously

I'd put it bluntly, I prefer my stupid aunty's house than here a million times

"Of course not, there are other girls- how old are you?" Sara asked

"I'm nineteen" I answered

"There are other girls here- well, you're young compared to them but that isn't a problem, they are- nice" She said

Why did she use nice? Or-

My stomach churned, she thought of me as this local girl who has a mere secondary school education- no, I don't think she knows I'm educated to that extent because if she did there would be a lot of things she wouldn't have said

To escape here, I'd have to act like an illetrate like the other girls that are here,  I just need confirmation that this is in fact a prostitution house

"Am I really leaving Nigeria?" I asked quietly

Leaving Nigeria-


Madam Sara?

I'm missing something here

"Oh, yes, by tomorrow morning actually" Sara said

"This is the kitchen, you can help yourself with whatever you want " She added

"But I don't have a passport" I said

"Ah, yes, that's already handled, don't worry about anything Efe, you're in good hands" Madam Sara said

The last time someone told me that, I ended up in my aunt's cruel house with her rude children and always traveling husband

Wait- what if this place is a tr-

"Ah, before we continue, are you a virgin?" Madam Sara interrupted that thought


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