Stupid headache

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In difficult times, we're not supposed to quit believing; we're not supposed to quit growing.
-Joel Osteen

They dropped me few blocks to the place and I had to walk down to the whore house without my jacket.

I sighed when I saw the familiar building and slipped into it undetected. Well, the bouncer at the door did give me a weird look before allowing me to enter which is why I decided to act like I was tipsy.

It was the best way to enter undetected and without questioning.

I stumbled into the building a few times to add more effect and sat on a stool wondering deeply how I was going to get information for Gaf and get the hell out of here undetected. Maybe through the same window the same way I got away the first time.

"A drink from the young man sitting over there" A girl- no, Treasure said to me cocking her head in the direction of cockroach brown eyes man.

Yes, you heard me right, cockroach brown eyes.

Luigi and Liam has shown me the picture of the man that'll have information but who became loose mouthed when greased with alcohol.

Makes me wonder why the hell did they send him here? Or maybe he's a freelancer? Or maybe that's how he makes his money?

Anyways, naming him in my head is where I channelled my inner anger till I find a worthy victim.

Making sure she didn't see my face, I doubt she did especially under this dim lights and even if she saw my uniform, she'd think I was working towards getting that man.

I took a sip from the drink making sure to spill some on my self- Imagine me acting drunk without smelling it.

"You looveee the drink" The man slurred

Apparently me taking a sip from the drink was enough invitation for cockroach brown eyes man.

"I dooooooo" I giggled repulsed when he laid his chin on my shoulder, arms snaking around my waist.

"You lo- look li- like someone I know" The man muttered drunken. I took a sip and laughed then giggled

"Little old me?" I asked dumbly

"I remember ! You're the girl the streets are afterr" the man drawled getting drool all over me.

I swayed irritated but the man's grip tightened.

"Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee? Why would they want me? Unless they're like you then I'd let them take turns" I muttered.

"Said she knows what that bastard's planning. Hm. Weakness" The man murmured.

Weakness? What the hell is that birdhouse?

Yep, no, I'm done with this shit.

"Let's take this up stairs" I murmured dragging the man with me upstairs to the room that was mine to commit sin. I didn't have to do anything because he slumped the moment his head touched the bed.

In no time I was out and about and got into the car- when Luigi flagged me and back to the Gafredo's estate with me boiling in anger.


"What did you find out?" Gafredo asked standing at the entrance of his building. I eyed him angrily not saying a word at him, I moved to walk past him

But someone-him I'm assuming pulled me back by my wrist.

"How dare you walk out on me" Gafredo gritted in irritation

"Go die Gafredo. How dare you? Belittle me? You stupid idiot" I growled in anger.

His eyes widened.

"Never. I repeat never in your life let me do anything that you can't send your sister to do again. In your entire existence. NEVER !!" I yelled and walked away.

If he should hold me back then I won't be responsible for my action. And he got the momento.

I walked to the room, my tears already falling as I walked into it to meet a worried stricken Sophia. Ignoring her I walked into the walk-in closet got out a set of nightie then walked into the bathroom before my tears get ugly.

And ugly they got without a care in the world.


I woke up groggily, stretching as I sat up with a pounding headache.

I winced as it felt like a mortar and pestle were in my head. I got out of bed with a groan, grabbing a towel and walking into the bathroom to see if a warm shower will reduce the headache.

It's why I don't cry- who's suffering it now? Definitely not that stupid Gaf.

I brushed my teeth with my eyes closed to reduce the banging in my head. Undressing an getting into the shower.

I sighed at the little relief I got when the water touched my head but I know that it'll be short-lived.

Getting out of the bathroom in a towel and walking straight to the walk-in closet, wore a set of underwear, then the biggest hood I could find and a set of shorts. I wonder what they call it in this part of the world.

Nigeria should be known as a country that speaks English but don't really give a flying fig about the names of stuff- actual names of stufff and end up giving it a Nigerian name.

Barefooted, I walked with a wince out of my room, surprised that there weren't any bodyguards stationed there.

With a groan, I found the kitchen, every step I take made a pound in my skull- what did I do to deserve this?

Oh yes, I cried

I leaned against the breakfast island blinking continuously to reduce the banging in my head before seating down.

That's it.

I'm going to dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

My ghost, it's floating, I can feel it prepare to leave.

Goodbye world that I didn't enjoy
Good- I stopped that thought when I felt someone enter the kitchen, judging by the faint perfume, I'm guessing it's Sophia. That girl is a mother hen- I mean, is she really that mumu's younger sibling because she acts like the eldest.

I can't bother myself about thoughts right now, it aches my poor head.

"Good morning" Sophia greeted

What is good about this painful morning biko?

"Morning" I whispered

Ye, my head

"What's wrong?" Sophia asked

Oh, so now you noticed?

"Headache" I mumbled wincing at the pain that those words cost me

Stupid headache- e no even fear?

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