My poor innocent eyes

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Hold a true friend with both your hands- Nigerian Proverbs



'Just wow'

'Nigeria is ugly oh'

Everyone was amazed by what we have we been seeing. Italy is so beautiful

Hm, I wonder where we'd be staying, cause I'm sure of the fact that we aren't the first set of girls Madam Sara had shipped over-

Well, I didn't need to think any further because in front of us sat a huge house

"Wow" I muttered in shock

I am more shocked about the house than the beauty of the country

"Come in girls" Madam Sara instructed as we all filed out of the five cabs that brought us here

We all walked into the place well- up close, it wasn't actually a place of living

It is a club


Oh my goodness!!

"What kind of room is this?" Treasure asked me

This girl is really innocent to a fault

But before I could answer, Madam Sara said,

"Girls, I'm going to be real with you, because now, we're here for business. First of all, the rules- you will have no access to phones or any electronic device whatsoever so you wouldn't put me in trouble, you aren't allowed to leave this place unless you have my permission and don't try to leave, I have cameras in the whole place, if you do, you'd be punished brutally, last of the rules, you will wear a certain uniform once it's 6pm in the evening and you will serve tables and my customers here, if any of them make any advances there are clear rooms for you all to use at your disposal" She stopped

Oh no-

This means that I can't get my hands on any device to save myself and Treasure

Dread filled my stomach

"This place is called the funhouse, and there are already girls who are working for me here, they will show you to the rooms and hand you your uniforms and show you to the place you'd be sleeping in because you all need to sleep so that you will start your first night here well.. after I'm through lecturing you- all the clothes that I specifically asked you to bring would be useful to you on certain days- everything is on timetable, there will be days were you'd staying in bed and my customer would make his way to you and there'd be days when you will work and get them to bed, and now that all this is settled, I'm leaving you to Racheal to fill you on anything that I didn't tell you" Madam Sara concluded before walking away

"Form a single line according to your heights so we'd register everything about you since your passport is now with Madam Sara"

They want to register us?

This woman is going to pay

But this girls, don't they know what they're involved in?

And that this is human trafficking?

"What's your name?" A voice startled me


"Your name?" The person said amusedly

It was then I realized that it was my turn, well, I really shouldn't be surprised with my five foot and eight inches height

It's above average but-

"I'm Efe" I said

"You educated?" She asked

I contemplated that question- they'd be careful around me because I'd be able to comprehend things faster than som-

"No, ended in Elementary school" I said satisfied with my answer

There was something about saying Elementary school as a Nigerian that seemed wrong even though it's actually a correct thing

She nodded in satisfaction at my answer



"Wow, you're young" The girl said

I shrugged at that

"So where do you come from?" She asked

"Edo" I answered simply

It's someone that doesn't know that this is a whorehouse would be trying to speak English because she's in Italy

"Why you here?" She asked

A test aiye?

"Eh?" I asked pretending to be confused

Her eyes twinkled, I think I passed her test

"Why did Madam Sara bring you here?" She rephrased

"Oh, she wants to help my aunty and uncle" I answered meekly

It wasn't technically a lie, maybe a half-truth?

A white lie

"Go over to Racheal for measurements so you'd get your uniform later" She said and pointed a a black girl

"What's your name?"

"Joy" She answered, I nodded before heading to the girl she pointed to

"Arms stretched, and don't move" Racheal ordered as she started taking my measurements

And my dearest readers , something tells me that this cloth they are going to give us will be extremely short and wouldn't hide anything

"Walk to that room" Racheal ordered after she's done

She only checked the size of my bust and height

I sighed quietly and went into the room, moments later, Treasure was seated in the room behind me apparently she was the last girl in the line

"Welcome to the place we call the theatre room, where you'd learn- things" Racheal voice boomer before detailed sex scenes came on.

My poor innocent eyes 😩



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