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I screamed.

No !! He won't touch me. He- He- I can't move- I'm tied. I can't breathe.

Help !!

"I'm here. Fuvk, I'm here. You're here, you're safe" a voice whispered from somewhere a steady beating heart lulling me back to sleep.


I woke up with a groan. My head hurt- I hurt all over. Ugh- I thought heaven was painless.

"She's waking up" voices said.

"Did I get rammed by a truck? Please tell me that I was found looking womanly because anything else would hurt my ego" I muttered.

Someone released a teary laugh. I blinked rapidly to ease the brightness that hurt my eyes. Once objects were no longer hazy, I angled my head to the right to see the people whom I heard. Annie- Gaf, Soph, Lor they'd- I-

I burst into tears.

"Fuvk, don't cry" Gaf murmured cradling me.

This was definitely not how I pictured my finally meeting them after that horrid experience.

Annie held my hand while Soph tried to clean my flowing tears.

"I- I'm just happy. I didn't know I'd do it so girlishly" I muttered

"I'm crying with you, so we'd be girlish together" Sophia murmured with a watery smile.

"I'm pretty sure I was in a mess when you found me." I murmured, my head on Gaf's chest.

"Girl, you were broken up, you were so fragile, I- I might have shed a few tears" Annie muttered in apparent embarrassment.

"Who do you think you're deceiving? Y'all cried. Even my dear brother here." Soph said with a duh in her tone.

I looked up to see the person whom I'm in his arms. He must have felt my gaze because he looked down and met my gaze

"We'd leave you two together. We'd get our turns with Efe later" Sophia said ushering Annie and Lor out of the room.

We barely heard the clicking of the door when Gaf gave me a bone-crushing hug.

"You must have missed me" I joked.

"Mi- You- I thought you died. I couldn't find your pulse, nor hear your heartbeat." Gaf croaked.

I think he's crying. Who am I kidding? I'd panic for me too.

"You were so traumatized, sweetie, that the first time you opened your eyes, you screamed for us not to touch you. You cried painful tears that you couldn't breath yelling you couldn't feel your body. You cried and- and my heart broke." Gaf whispered the last part out.

"I couldn't do anything as I watched the doctors douse you sleeping doze and you slept muttering that I find you before I was too late. Tell me Efe, was I too late?" He croaked in pure agony.

My Gaf.

I withdrew from hug- managing to place both my palms on his cheek and kissed him.

I kissed him with all I had.

My Gaf, your heart broke at my tears.
I pulled away when I started to feel lightheaded.

"You didn't. God you didn't- Un- Charles, he didn't get far. You saved me even before that day. The thought that you'd find filled me hope, that someone would ripped the world in two to find me. You know, before I met you- all of you, I always thought that if I ever got missing, no one would find me or miss me but those weren't my thoughts there. Then. My thoughts were that I'd stay for you even if it were the last thing I'd do" I said.

His heart is breaking at my words. His always blank eyes, were filled with pain.

"But I'm not leaving, not now, not ever." I said firmly darting my eyes from his.

He kissed my forehead.

"I won't let you leave me." He said with vehemence.

My heart clenched.

"Because you own me?" I asked quietly

"No, because I really really like you and I don't ever want to loose you" He said.

I gave him a shy smile before I attempted to stand.

Keyword attempt.

"Let's go downstairs, before the others would plan a coup." He muttered carrying me bridal style.

I pouted.

"What's wrong?" Annie asked seeing my face.

"I'm being carried" I whined, chuckles were heard in the room.

How dare they?

"That's not such a bad thing" a voice I didn't recognize said. My face went blank.

Who's this?

"Who are you?" I asked the oddly familiar man.

"I'm Daniel. You might not remember me but my mother is-"

"Aunt Benita" I said.

How would I ever forget her, she fought that I come to her after my dad died. Daniel, uncle Daniel was my brother- well cousin- who was my role model when I was young.

"What are you doing here?" I asked cooly clutching Gaf's neck as he lowered me onto a stool at the breakfast island.

"I was looking for you. After Aba reported that they hadn't heard from you and that he was worried, I went to investigate it led me to Madam Sara then you" Daniel muttered.

He looked like someone who'd seen a horror. What's up with him?

Wait- he.. looked for me?

Water filled my eyes. I'm crying too much ugh but I just can't help myself people were really looking for me- I-

"I wanted to take you home. But, I don't need to- you didn't really need my help. I just want to beg you that you shouldn't cut all ties with us-" He stuttered scratching his neck.

"You looked for me?" I whispered.

He met my gaze, his eyes widened at the tears I'm sure he'd seen.

"Of course. Why won't I? You're still my baby E who'd followed me round the village puffing her chest and forgetting that she's a female" Daniel said, standing from his seat hesitating before he pulled me into a hug.


"Why am I in your room?" I asked scrunching my nose in confusion as Gaf laid me on the bed.

The physiotherapist would come tomorrow to help me with my weak muscles. Apparently not using them for three straight weeks then an additional four days is enough to weaken them.

"Because your room is too girlish for my manly ego" Gaf answered laying down by my side after he'd stripped to his boxers.

"You want to sleep in the same bed with- with me?" I asked breezily.

"I- please, I spent four weeks without you. I just need you in my arms" Gaf said.

How could I say no to that? I slept with a smile on my face.

I guess what I thought was an absolute disaster was just beautiful.

Beautiful DisasterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang