Ill 😩

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I sniffed as I rubbed my nose

Yep, I'm ill-

I tugged at an oversized jacket I found somewhere that reached past my mid thighs as I made my way downstairs barefooted.

"Good morning" Someone greeted cheerfully, it was Marco.

I eyed the happy Marco in irritation as I sat on a stool by the breakfast island.

"What would you like for breakfast?" Marco asked eyeing my quiet form

Wetin dey do this one?

"What?" I snapped narrowing my eyes at him. He held up his hand in mock surrender.

"You weren't kidding" a voice I'm sure belonged to Sophia said.

"You gave me ice-creammmm" I whinnied irritated and rubbing my nose with the rough fabric of the sweater I'm wearing.

"You wanted it" Sophia said amusedly.

How can she be so normal and I, down with a cold?

"And you gave me !!" I added frowning

"Are you always like this when you're ill?" Marco asked amusedly.

"I don't know" I murmured as I suddenly felt sleepy and I decided to lay my head on the island when I felt something cool touch my neck.

"Oh my goodness, Efe you're burning up !" Sophia yelled.

"Shhh, too loud" I whispered even though I doubt she heard me through the frantic exchange of Italian words.

"What happened this time?" A new voice said.

Hm. Must be Lor- I raised my head and opened my tired eyes at him.

"Hi" I murmured blinking rapidly to clear my daze of the tiredness
In that daze someone lifted me up.

"Put me down!! I'm too tired to be fighting today" I murmured weakly hitting at someone- the person who's carrying me.

"Shut up" Lor said, grunting as he pushed open the door to my room, soon I was dropped carefully on my bed.

"I've called the doctor, he's on his way" Someone who I'm sure was Sophia said.

"Shh" I whispered, their voices were getting too loud.

Stupid ice-cream must have started something in me. I knew I shouldn't have eaten it with Sophia.

"What did the brat do that's got her this sick?" Lor asked someone I'm sure was Sophia.

"Ice cream" Sophia answered.

"Really!" Lor bellowed.

"Too loud" I murmured before I finally succumbed to the inevitable darkness.


"You've not started working and you're already falling ill on me?" A voice quietly demanded. I froze because it sounded a lot like Gaf.

How did this witch know that I'm awake?

I cracked a lid open before I opened the other to take in my environment.

"What is wrong with me?" I asked.


"Nothing you should worry yourself about" Sophia said glaring at Gaf.

Huh- what did he do that Sophia is glaring at him?.

"Okay?" I muttered making an attempt to stand up.

"What are you doing?" Sophia asked me- more like screeched at me.

"Er- food? Pee? Dare I continue?" I asked raising an eyebrow at her.

"Stay in bed I'd g-".

"Yeah, no thanks, I'm good" I interrupted her skipping out of the room. I am so hungry I could eat an elephant- this is not an exaggeration folks, so beware.

"What was in the drugs Viktor gave her?" Gaf asked from behind me probably to Sophia.

Tch- I'm starving.

"Hi Marco, what's for breakfast?" I asked as I sat on the breakfast island ignoring the way him, Annie and Lor looked at me.

"Give me food !!" I whinnied.

"It's three in the afternoon" Marco said.

"THREE !!" I screamed.

"Please give her food, Marco. I don't know why the drugs are affecting her like this" Sophia said eyeing my cautiously

"So, what's my issue? What did the doctor say? And don't lie to me, I'm serious" I asked as I dipped my spoon in the rice I was given.

Not bad.

"It's really nothing, just a cold" Sophia answered

"Oh, thank God. I thought it was something severe with the way you were looking at me" I muttered as I took in another spoon filled with rice into my mouth

This thing is not entering my stomach quickly as I want it to.

"He said you should rest and take some painkillers to help" Sophia said rolling her eyes at my statement

This people should let me eat in peace

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