A new look

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I'm. Bored

And I'm tied up, well, just my hands and feet, I'm sure I've been like this for almost four hours

I feeling like using the toilet and this fool doesn't know how to tie up a person


I wiggled my wrist

Well, you see, when my dear friend Marco bounded my wrist, he didn't realize that I made my wrist stand side by side, so now that I want to free my hands, I now placed my hands on top of each other thereby allowing little space to exist to wriggle my wrists out of the ropes

Little by little, moving my right worst forward and my left wrist backward, I wriggled my left wrist free and removed the ropes round the arm and started working on the ropes round my legs

I signed as I relished the feeling of freedom before bouncing on my feet wincing at my sore ankles

Now, to get out of here and look for food first then escaping tomorrow, I'm beet

I walked to the door, and placed my ear on it and listened


It will be foolishness thinking that there were no men standing at the entrance of the door

Oh well

I screamed so loudly that there was a click and tow hefty men entered, I slipped out, with all my might, closed the door, held it then locked the door

I giggled to myself as I skipped in search of the kitchen

I caught sight of a dinning area when I was carried upstairs to that room, so I'm sure according to general knowledge on how foreign houses are built, there would be a kitchen not to far

I tiptoed and quickly to the kitchen but stopped mid stairs, that man is too smart

He already knows that I've broken free, just want to see what I'll do. In another term, it'll be foolishness trying to escape

I hummed a tune as I found the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge

Stupid foreign food

Their gas is not even like ours. Like where's the cylinder? Or is this a general supply? If it then, wow

Nigerians are failing to look at their superiors and learn

I stood there glaring at the opened fridge, the only thing that I know to my own Nigerian knowledge that is edible are the fruits.

"I see you've escaped" a voice said startling me

"I was starving and I really need to use the toilet" I said and shoved the grape I took from the refrigerator

"Ow"that was the only thing he could say

"I need food in my mouth now " I said still enjoying the fresh grapes

It's so good

"You can make something to eat or don't you know how to cook ? "

I was about to answer his stupid question when he cut me short

"Ow I'm sorry"

Thank God he realized his mistake. I was ready to give him a befitting reply


"I'll make you pasta "

I nodded in response

"So how did you even escape?" Marco asked

Two pairs of feet rushed to the kitchen

Look here, my bodyguards

I smiled sweetly at them

"You guys are so slowww" I said smiling at them

Their glares hardened, it's not everyday someone beats their butt without lifting a finger

"Oh well" I shrugged at them and moved to Marco to see what he was doing


I belched as I dropped my cup on the table

When was the last time I slept when I want to? And eat when I want to?. Never

Not like now was better than the before, my life's indeed pathetic, even now it is

I stood up and walked out of the kitchen to see my babysitters standing outside


"So, are you going to give me a tour?" I asked them blinking my eyes rapidly, shey that's how they do puppy face

They didn't even blink

Oh well

I walked on, them hot on my trail

The brutes, you're twice my size, to get away from you is as easy as ABC

But I have a target, and that is to get out of here

"Can anyone of you cut hair?" I asked

This hair needs to go, maybe a little afro wouldn't hurt

Make no mistake, cutting my hair is like ripping my heart out of my chest but I need to be flexible

I know- I know, wrong use of English words, but- I'm going to explain because I'm such a sweetheart

They eyed me keenly but one of them nodded

"Well, could you help me cut my hair, I want it off" I requested as I rocked on my feet

"Why?" The other one asked


"It could be the badluck that's hunting my life" I answered

So you see folks, the whites have this believe that blacks are very superstitious of everything, so I'm placing my bet on that


I swear, I nearly smiled evily when they led me to where I'd be cutting my baby off

"So, since we're bonding, would you tell me your name?" I asked them batting my lashes

Why am I doing this?

One, because I'm curious

Two, I need to get my mind of my hair, if not I know that I'd cry- not the whimper which girls do to get other girls attention, but the ugly wail that would make me look ew

"I'm Liam and he's Luigi" the one who's barbing my hair of said


He placed the clipper down, done

"How do I look?" I asked looking at my self

Not bad


😂Yeah yeah, sooo how was it !!?
Don't worry about the hairrr 😂 It's going to grow back😊

Two freaking update in a dayyy😂😁yeassssss 😊I hope you enjoyed this chapter
See you in the Next chapter 💙 love youuuu 🥺

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