Oh Treasure 🤦

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Warri quote
"Who naked no dey shook hand for pocket"


"Come in, Madam Sara showed us the whole house when we all came here" Treasure said

I must have been too engrossed in my thoughts and panic that I missed the room or we didn't enter it but she said it and I brushed it aside

This place is-

I felt giddy when I realised that I'm going to- those thoughts deflected when I realised the kind of clothes I would get

And that would be sizes too small

What sort of life is this?

After escaping from my aunty who buys clothes sizes way too big, now I find myself with Madam Sara who will expects me to wear clothes smaller than my actual size

"Is this where the cloth you are wearing came from?" I asked quietly eyeing her not-so-discreetly

"Yes" Treasure answered twirling in the clothes she was wearing

"Is it not too- small?" I asked mentally cringing at the words I used

Acting dumb is hard

I'm tired

Or should I settle for pidgin instead?

It won't get me embarrassed because it's a language well accepted in Nigeria and no one would suspect anything

No- I'm not doing that

"I told Madam Sara that too" Treasure answered pulling me from my thoughts

I braced myself from what she might say next

"But she said that this is how they dress over there" She said

All the bracing didn't stop the wince from escaping my lips

This girl is just too innocent

"Oh" I muttered almost in exasperation

"Make we find better cloth for you" She said pulling me to a rack of clothes that held dresses that were too short

I exhaled nearly knocked by surprise when I saw a travel bag with her

Where did that come from?

"Oya try this one" She said pulling out a dress

This is going to be a long day


Many dresses, skirts and tops later, I had my bag already packed

I sighed as I trudged it along with me and made my way back to the room I'd be sleeping in, Treasure walking behind me

We even weighed the bag so it wouldn't exceed the expected kilogramme or something within the lines of that

I'm too tired to think- sue me

It was when we reached the room that I realized that they all had their bags packed already and it was placed beside their beds

"Let's go and eat and come to sleep, we are going to fly early" Treasure said

I nodded

Series of laughter resounded in the room

It was till I saw the look on Treasure's face that resembles a blush that I realized that they were laughing at her grammar

I turned and glared at them

"What makes you think that when we are over there your own grammar would be good?" I retorted in the most simple way I could come up with

I had to give them a piece of my mind

I sighed irritated as I dragged Treasure out of the room and walked to where my memory recalls as the kitchen

"Don't mind them" I muttered as I sat on a stool I found in the kitchen

She nodded looking stunned


I'm already irritated from the in house shopping we did and the stress of pretending to be- dumb

"Madam Sara have been trying to get us to know how to cook oyibo food" Treasure said as she made a sandwich

I nearly banged my head against the wall when I realized that she just buttered two breads

She just buttered two breads and slapped it together and she said cook?!

Heaven help me before I strangle someone's nine months

I exhaled

That's it, once we're out of this country, I'm going to save me and Treasure because I can't imagine someone tainting her innocence

Even though it's making me want to facepalm myself hard.

Oh Treasure 🤦


Hi lovelies 😊✨ Thanks for the votes 😭😭I love y'all 😙See you in the next chapter 🐾

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