My so called nice aunt is actually a witch 🙂

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Authors Note: 🙂 Chapter 1!💃 *screams silently* so im going to be dropping some random quotes at the beginning of each chapter ✨ Enjoy!!

'The minute you think everything is okay, disaster is around the corner'

If that witch gives me any more instructions, I'm going to yell at her- Lie

I couldn't possibly, not in this life anyways

Stupid Aunty, stupid uncle, stupid cousins. How did I even end up with them- oh, my parents are dead

"Blood of Jesus" I mumbled as I make my way to carry out my Aunty's last request of the night

Judging by the silence and the moon, I'm guessing it's three in the morning?- Lie

It's just that it feels like the last instruction of the day and that is usually by three- isn't it?

How do one even know time with moon? Is that even possible? Well, if I had a phone, I would have checked that itsy bitsy information over the internet

But no,I don't have a phone, stupid stupid life

How old am I? Almost twenty. I'm an adult by age already but they'd rather have me couped up when people my age are already in uni, studying and concluding the four year courses they chose.

While I'm here

My life is pathetic, I know.

No father, no mother, no siblings. Just me

What am I doing?- lock the gates at three? Pathetic stupid family

How do they even get their money? Only them know

I don't even ask sef. I just dey where I dey dey watch (I am watching from the sidelines). I've learned the hard way not to ask.

Well, you can't blame me for being very curious about the people I'm staying with, after all they are family- a family that hates me

As an Edo girl, my aunt sef is wary about me because she believes that I'm going to steal her husband

Like eww

My uncle is not fine neither is he ugly but have my aunty seen guys my age? I'll now disgrace my age with her husband?

It's as if the thing that is good about my uncle's physical appearance is that he is fair in complexion

I tiptoe back to the house, well round it and towards the boys quarter. I stay with the gateman- the only person that I'm sure would miss me if I'm gone

Make no mistake, me and the man aren't going under, that'll be iyama (disgusting). I think I respect him enough to try such

Okay- Okay, fine, my sexual life is dead, the bones are rotten

I don't even get what do this people call it? That thing that'll be doing you- to do the do? Well whatever it is, I don't feel it. I don't even know the name of the feeling- oh yes, horny

I don't blame myself if I don't sef, because let's be honest I don't have that much time to think or feel anything

I'm always working from the moment I wake up till very late at the night.

It's usually worse when my uncle is around. My stupid aunty is the definition of lazy or maybe she just doesn't want me to entice my uncle, so she makes sure I spend the whole day in the kitchen with the gas cooker and it's heat

I won't be surprised if my skin has turned darker- ha ! My biology teacher- Mrs Osas would have whipped me on the back if she had heard that statement from me- something in biology that isn't one of my main concerns at all at the moment

I sighed as I laid my head down. At a young age, I've dealt with death. My late father said it, I wasn't supposed to exist, wasn't supposed to live. But I just seemed to pull through

Efe, an almost twenty years old girl. How much long will I stay tucked up under the skirts of my aunty? I didn't plan my life to remain a house help? I had dreams and visions like every child well realistic dreams tho- not like her kids, one wants to be an astronaut, ha! The boy isn't just satisfied with staying grounded? He doesn't know that there are certain things that are just made for us to just accept it as how it is.

I shouldn't be saying this- come on- I'm a hoping scientist, well more with computers than reality

I don't even think that's possible now sef- I shouldn't loose hope, should I?- I love computers, computing. Have I mentioned it?- No? Okay, I'm very intelligent if I do say so myself- which was determined by the doctors from the village.

When I was getting bored with the whole school and it's stupid teachers- well to cut the story short, Aba(dad) wanted to know why, took me to a doctor and found out that I have a slightly above average IQ

I pride in myself to know that I am good with computers- because of my IQ, Aba bought a laptop for me to use- no one knows about this

Why haven't I used this to escape? I'm just realising that now- maybe I still want to give me aunty and her husband a chance? Well, my uncle is coming back from the overseas tomorrow and if it's stories they give on me, I'm going to run away after hacking myself into getting a scholarship in a university out of this city


I close my eyes as I feel the sleep coming to me- a lot of things would happen tomorrow well nothing too particular but I'm vouching that it will determine the decisions that I will take. I have tried waiting for them to send me to University for three years and I know that they aren't going to send me any where.

My aunt feels that sending me to secondary school is a waste of resource.

I wish she wasn't my aunt, she was all so nice when Edion usually comes to visit... Well my so called nice aunt is actually a witch!

1013 words!

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