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"Nooo" I squealed as I ran out of the room I'm currently occupying in the repair shop.

Ya, you heard me right, repair shop. It's not a code name, it's an actual repairs shop where electronical appliances are repaired.

But the woman who owns and runs it, Ma Rose is an underdog for Gaf's mafia- hence why we're hiding here. I'm pretty sure the guys who want me know that we're here. Which raises the question why.

Why isn't this building raided? Sure we've been here for measley forty-eight hours but still.

Anyways back to present-

"It's just make-up !!" Soph yelled

"No !! I refuse to be caked !!" I yelled as I ducked under her swinging arms.
This place is small- I can't even hide without being seen. A squeal left my lips as I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"What is this about?" Came Gaf's voice, his breath fawning my lashes

Eh? I blinked as leaned back to meet his gaze.

"Nothing" I murmured diverting my gaze as stepped back and out of his grasp. He didn't say anything as he walked away.

Warm fingers wrapped around my wrist and pulled me somewhere but I'm too much in a daze to care.

What the hell was that?

"There" a voice startled me.

I blinked and realised that Soph had succeeded in getting me to wear makeup. To be honest, it wasn't that bad.

"Here" Soph muttered handing over a shoulder length wig, the colour black.

"Wow, it's beautiful" I sighed as I let my fingers pass through the folds of the hair. Soon.

I picked a hair brush and brushed my hair before wearing the wig and combing it down. I'm just counting down till when Soph will burst and blurt something about the non-existent moment me and her brother had not to long ago

"Now the dress" Soph said smacking her lips together as she finished applying lip gloss to her lips


I unzipped the dress and stepped into it.

"Snug as a bun" I murmured.

"You've got a very good figure my friend" Soph complimented without raising her eyes from her dress in her hands as she tried to unzip it to put it on.


"You're not even looking" I deadpan as I walked to my ankle boots seating on the floor beside one deathly shoe- pity for whoever's wearing that.

If it were boot-like, I may consider wearing it but-

"I've never seen you this lost about someone. Ever" Soph commented. I rolled my eyes- for a moment I wasn't even thinking about whom she thought I was thinking off.

"You didn't last long" I muttered slipping my feet into the family thickness of the boots.

"Er- what do you think you're doing?" Soph asked.

I gave her a sheepish smile. She marched to me and dragged the boot off my left foot- I frowned.

"And what do you mean last long?" Soph asked handing over another pair of heels. It wasn't too high and is definitely okay.

Whaaaaatttttttt? Nothing can beat my ankle nor knee length boots in beauty.
"I was counting in my head, how long it'll take you to make a comment to the occurrence from earlier.

Sophia rolled her eyes and pulled me to my feet once I'd buckled the last shoe in.

Huh? When did she wear those death traps?

"Let's go wow my brother" Soph said as we walked out of the room.

"Wow, Efe, you clean up nicely" Annie complimented.

Thank Heavens for my black skin, I can blush with a straight face. Where is Gaf sef?

I turned meet his gaze for a nanosecond before he met the gaze of someone behind me. I'm pretty it's Sophia.

"So, what's the plan hm?" I asked after taking in what Annie had on and ignoring what had just happened.

"Let's head into the lambo waiting outside" Lor announced walking into the room. He spared me a brief but lingering glance before his gaze dropped on Sophia.

Hm. I wonder-

We all walked outside and true to God, there sat a Lamborghini in it's all glory. Where did they get it?

Once we sat in- me between Gaf who sat by the window and Annie who also sat by the other window and directly opposite Lor and Soph- where's Luigi?

"Where's Luigi?" I asked before I could stop myself.

"Tsk tsk- You're asking about another man when you're on the arms of another" Soph answered in amusement. I glared at her-

"You want me to talk?" I dared with a sly smile. There would always be a probability of her being involved with either Annie or Lor.

"He's the one driving" Soph gritted out. I beamed at her then turned to look at Annie.

"If somebody don't tell me the plan, I'm going to go into wherever that gala is and shake and going to use what my mama gave me" I said with a huff.

"Nothing, Efe- we're not going to be doing anything but smile and chat and have fun." Soph said- does she know she looks constipated right now? Or is it just me?

"Firstly, don't lie to me- you can't lie to a liar. Secondly, we shall see" I said with a full blown smile.

They don't know how often I've had to lie back home- in prison to my aunt to save me from beatings and starvings about things I have no knowledge about. Her children are always innocent.

I felt Gaf stiffen beside me- I spared him a glance to see that he wasn't looking at me before I looked at Soph, Lor and Annie in pity. Unless Gaf glues me to his side, bind my legs and arms, I'm going to do my own investigation.

This whole thingy is going cliché and I don't think I like it.

Beautiful Disasterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن