Under attack II

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I woke up with a groan and tried moving my right hand but something stopped me, I frowned and slowly pried my eyelids open.

I took in the environment. The room I'm in though it's not the same size as the room I had in Gaf's manor was a cute little room with plain beige walls and furnitures the same colour to match. Dull.

I turned to see my right hand to understand why I couldn't use it to rub my eyes few minutes ago. I saw a large hand hold my wrist but not to tightly to cause no blood flow. I trailed the hand to see that it belonged to Annie.

"Anniee" I muttered, my voice weak and lacking it's usual enthusiasm. Annie rolled his eyes.

"How are you feeling?" Annie asked letting go of my wrist when I realised that I had a drip attached to it.

"Numb. How long was I out?" I asked as I squinted to look past the thick curtains that lay over the windows

"Twelve hours. It's morning, four in the morning to be exact." Annie answered whilst checking his watch

I nodded as I tilted my head just to the side to see the quantity left in the drip. It was nearly empty.

"Where are we?" I asked curiously

Are we in some kind of safe house? I doubt it because of the plainness of the walls. If Gaf were the owner, Soph would have decorated it. You've got to give the girl some credit, she's got taste in interior decor

"The repair shop" Annie answered

"Eh?" I blurted confusedly.

Annie rolled his eyes

"While you're at that could you remove this thingy, I'm sure the contents have finished" I said with a sigh already imagining my hands freedom.

"Oh, I'd be right back" Annie said as he stood up and left the room. Soon after, a strange looking Chinese woman in black slacks, fitted hood and face cap came in. If it wasn't for the wrinkles on her face, I would easily believe that she was in her early forties.

Sure, I shouldn't be stereotypical about how people should look like when they reached a certain age but-

"Damn, I want to be like you when I reach your age" I muttered taking in the woman


The woman threw her head back in laughter. I blushed in embarrassment. That shouldn't have left my lips at all

She fiddled with the needle before removing it totally and placing a cotton wool dipped in methylated spirit- well, it might not be the name of the product but as a Nigerian, do I care?


Once a bandaid was laid on top the cotton wool, I sat up and stretched my limbs. They weren't tired anymore.

The cute Chinese woman left right after
It felt like they were finally well rested. Even though it's the drip that made me feel this way, I couldn't be any more grateful.

I looked at Annie, taking him in.

He wasn't dressed in the same clothes he'd worn out of the house but was in shorts and a round neck tee

"Nice get up, do I get a change in clothes too?" I pouted at Annie

"Tch- have you looked down?" Annie answered with an exaggerated eye roll
I looked down and squealed at what I'm wearing. I had a jacket with its zipper zipped all the way up, with black skinny jeans and ankle boots. Too bad I can't unzip my jacket, I'd just put a stupid strain on my body exposing my skin to that sort of cool air

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