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charlotte's pov

i sat silently in the hospital bed listening to music when mom walked back in.

"don't be mad at me." i whispered as i took my headphones out.

"i could never be love. i'm just tired, but i bet you're even more exhausted." mom sighed as she sat next to me laying her head on my hand.

"what now?" i spoke softly.

"well, ashton said i had the choice between the psych ward, inpatient stay, or moving in with them temporarily until i'm more stable." mom spoke awkwardly.

oh god no.

"please don't tell me you chose to move in with them." i groaned as i leaned back.

"i did. i don't want to go to a hole baby. i'm sorry." mom whispered as she began to pick at her sleeves again.

i gently reached for her hand and held it tightly.

"don't apologize. if that's how you think you will heal best, who am i to stop you." i spoke back trying to be a little supportive.

mom nodded stiffly before standing up.

"i'm going to head back home and pack some of our stuff on suitcases to bring over. i'll be back. i love you charlotte." mom smiled softly as she left the room.

"i love you too." i muttered back.

about 30 minutes had passed before calum came walking in.

"just here to check your vitals love." he spoke stiffly as he looked at my chart.

"i've been cleaning her cuts since i was a kid." i blurred out before looking away.

"sorry, you probably don't need to know that." i added.

"no, you're okay. that must've been incredibly difficult." calum spoke as he sat down next to me.

"it was. it was suffocating having to lie and take the fall all of the time. it was hard being a kid and making your mom promise not to hurt herself just for it to happen again the next day." i mumbled.

"i'm sorry charlotte. now you know you have all four of us to help you. it's going to be hard because quitting self harm can be like quitting drugs for some people." calum spoke softly before continuing, "but you're not going to deal with it alone anymore."

i nodded and smiled softly at him.

right before calum was about to leave, dr. mccolog came into the room.

"if it isn't my favorite patient." he smiled softly.

"me? aw how nice." i replied.

"i see no issue with your vitals. i would like to take you to get one more scan to make sure everything is clear, but after that, assuming it's clear. you can go home." he replied.

thank god.

"i thought you said i had to stay for a couple days." i spoke quickly.

"well, seeing that your very responsive and don't seem to have any motor issues, i don't see a reason to keep you here if the scan is clear." dr. mccolog spoke with a tiny shrug.

"perfect. i'll go let michael know you're most likely going to be discharged today." calum smiled as he left the room.

i got into a wheelchair and went with dr. mccolog to the MRI room.

"do you know michael well?" i asked as we arrived into the room.

"i do. he's a very good friend of mine." dr. mccolog spoke as he held me up onto the bed.

"he seems like a good guy." i mumbled as i laid down.

"trust me. he is kid. he's a very good guy and he loves you like his own child, even if he doesn't show it." dr. mccolog chuckled as he headed for the door, "remember don't move."

i laid completely still for the next couple seconds before the scan shut off.

i laid down until dr. mccolog came back into the room.

"perfectly clear. i'll have a nurse meet us with discharge papers upstairs." he smiled as he helped me down from the table and into the wheel chair.

when we arrived back into my room, i saw all of the boys, including my mom, standing there waiting.

"well, isn't this nice."

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