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"i'm in the hospital, in the hospital he's a doctor at. he's your boyfriend, but you didn't bother to call him to let him know that his girlfriends daughter has a concussion?" i spoke with a slight glare.

"look, i know your father left- "this has nothing to do with that!" i groaned as i laid back on the pillow.

"it has everything to do with that. you want a father figure. i get it i understand, but that's not michael." mom spoke sternly.

"then what the fuck is he supposed to be? why even introduce him to me?" i spoke coldly.

"maybe i shouldn't have." mom replied just as coldly.

i stared at her blankly before nodding stiffly.

"if that's how you want it to be then fine. when can i go home?" i asked completely changing the topic.

"i don't know. i'll go get the doctor. don't move." mom muttered as she left the room.

"where the fuck could i possibly go." i muttered under my breath.

a few moments later, dr. mccolog came in.

"so, i don't want to release you yet because i want to be sure that there are no underlying dangerous health effects from the concussion. if you are clear by tomorrow, i'll release you." dr. mccolog spoke slowly.

"i want to go now." i spoke firmly.

"unfortunately i can't release you right now, only if your guardian agrees to it and signs a paper saying you are going against medical advice." dr. mccolog spoke nervously.

i looked over at mom and she gave me a pleasing look before giving in.

"bring the paper." she sighed.

dr. mccolog nodded stiffly before grabbing the discharge and document to prove that i left against medical advice.

"i strongly recommend you stay overnight just so we can monitor you." dr. mccolog spoke firmly as he handed the papers hesitantly over to mom.

"honey m- "sign them. i want to go home." i whispered.

mom nodded and signed then before helping me out of bed and into normal clothes.

we left the hospital almost immediately and headed home for the night.

"i really don't feel good about this." mom spoke nervously.

"you owe me this. i don't want to be there. i took the fall for you." i spit out.

"okay honey." mom sighed as she patted my shoulder.

we arrived at our home and i stood up and walked inside.

my head hurt, but not enough to keep me at the hospital.

i walked upstairs slowly and laid on my bed completely still.

a part of me wished i didn't wake up tomorrow.

michael's pov

i had the best day off the other day.

i got up and decided to get ready for work before going downstairs to wait for the other boys to get ready.

as soon as everyone was down, we headed off to the hospital to start the day.

i walked in and ran into my friend and a neurosurgeon, dr. mccolog.

"hey mate! how are you?" i asked with a smile.

"not very good. i feel very uneasy about a case that came in yesterday." he spoke with a firm expression.

"what's up?" i asked as i looked at him curiously.

he was never really shaken up about anything.

"so, i had this girl come in with her mom because she hit her head and had a concussion, but the girl wanted to leave the hospital early for some unknown reason. i recommended they stayed overnight, but she didn't want too. her mom didn't even force her to stay overnight, she just signed the papers and let her go." dr. mccolog spoke.

"that's extremely idiotic and unethical. the girl could have some underlying issues that were caught on the scans that could present themselves." i spoke back.

"yeah. if a patient named charlotte mitchelson comes in then let me know." he sighed.

"wait what? did you say charlotte mitchelson?" i spoke quickly.

"yeah? w- "that's the daughter of my girlfriend. i'll be right back!" i yelled as i began to run out of the hospital.

please be okay charlotte.

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