Chapter twenty: patience

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"Hey wake up, we're here"I heard slash's voice echo through the bunk

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"Hey wake up, we're here"I heard slash's voice echo through the bunk

I fluttered my eyes open, my throat dry and my head hurt. Slash sitting on the bed next to me, a smile crept on his face as he saw me waking up.

"Morning sleepy head" he smiled kissing me on the head

"Hey" I smiled

"The guys and Lola are gunna go grab something to eat, do you wanna come" he asked

"Yeah sure" I smiled pulling myself out of the bunk, slipping my shoes on and walking off the bus behind slash

We got off the bus walking into the diner we made a pitstop at. Slash opened the door, sliding his arm across it keeping it open so it didn't shut on me I walked in first,my eyes circled the diner before meeting with a booth full of our friends. I waited for slash to put his cig out and hand in hand we walked over.

"Hey guys" I smiled

We all exchanged hellos, I slid into the booth slash following after sitting next to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Axl passed me a menu giving me a tight lipped smile, I kinda felt bad for screaming at him now.

"Hey order whatever you want, because we aren't paying" Axl beamed

"We aren't?" I asked

"Nah this hot waitress recognised me and said it's on the house" he chuckled

"What can I get you guys" a blonde waitress came over to our table

"What's the best thing on your menu sweetheart" axl smirked giving the waitress a small wink

"Probably just the burger and fires I guess" she huffed flicking her blonde locks

"Well we will just get 7 of those please"he smiled

"Right guys?"he asked

Everyone just agreed and went back to their conversation. I wasn't feeling very sociable clearly, as my eyes were fixed outside the window watching the cars drive by and the hot tarmac melting in the sun.

"What's the matter babe" slash whispered to me, placing his hand on my thigh that I was unknowingly bouncing up and down.

I shot out of my trance turning to face him, his eyes met mine and all I could see was the worry in them. I hated that he worried about me so much, I placed a kiss to his lips before shooting him a convincing toothy smile.

"Nothing I'm okay Saul" I said pulling his hand into my lap and resting my hand on top of his, I turned to the others to try spark up a conversation.

"So have your managers been able to snag us a real fancy hotel" i smirked

"Well if you consider fancy, big, cheap and full of hot chicks then your in luck" duff laughed

"Hey watch it" Lola hissed slapping duffs arm

"I'm kidding women" he smiled

"7 cheese burgers and fries" the voice of the waitress shrieked as she came stumbling over with 7 plates stacked up her arms

She placed them down and we all began to eat our food.

After finishing a few bites of my burger and eating a few fries, I excused myself to the bathroom.

Slash's pov

Mia has left to go to the bathroom after only eating a few bites of her food, considering she's been throwing up a lot and hardly eating I had this gut feeling something was wrong.

"Hey Lola is she okay I'm really worried about her" I frowned

"Umm yeah, yeahs she's good" Lola scoffs

"Unless she's pregnant" Steven whispered next to me

"No way dude, it's not possible" i huffed

"Im gunna go check on her" I said

"Wait you can't go in there it's the ladies" Lola shouted

"I don't give a fuck" I also shouted already stepping closer to the bathroom, I swung the door open.

"Mia you in here?" I called out, no answer.

I searched through each stall, slamming the doors open hoping to find my girlfriend hidden in one of them when I saw her. Leant over the toilet seat, on her knees. She was forcing her hand down her throat in order too throw up.

I stood there in shock, my mouth dry and my eyes glossy. Until, she slowing turned her head to wards my direction, our eyes locking and I saw the regret flush over her face.

"Saul what are you doing in here get out" she screamed, flushing the toilet and scrambling to her feet.

"Mia why are you doing that" I shouted

"I- I don't know, i im sorry okay I need some air" she sniffled her eyes teary, she brushed passed me and left the bathroom. I went to chase after bed but she has already left the diner.

What the fuck do I do.

Mia's pov

Slash had walked in on me purging, I don't know what to do. I'm so scared he's going to be angry with me and leave me or something.

I had left the diner and got back on the bus hiding in the back on one of the bunks with the curtains closed sobbing.

I heard the faint chatter as everyone piled back on the bus. I stayed quite, after what slash had seen me do I was so ashamed to face him, I was scared of what he was thinking and I couldn't deal with that right now.

I stayed curled up on the bunk, shaking while my salty tears stained the pillow. I heard heavy footsteps leading my way, i squeezed my eyes closed hoping for it to not be slash.

But my luck of course, the squeaking sound of the metal rubbing as the curtain opened revealing a rather worried looking slash.

"Hey baby, how you feeling. Can we talk?" He asked softly rubbing my arm to comfort me.

"I I'm okay"

"Why were you doing that em, it's really bad"

"I know, I know Saul it's just- ugh I don't know" my words fumbled out followed by a small cry

"Shh it's okay, I'm here now I can help you, okay ? Please don't go through this alone" he kissed my forehead

"Why do you do this Mia" he looked at me

"I don't know I- I'm just having a hard time with my body right now" I sniffled

"What's wrong with your body huh ? You never see me complaining" he smirked

"Saul" I gave him a serious look

" I know I know, but seriously they is nothing wrong with your body its perfect I love it,your beautiful and I love you"

He embraced me in his arms as I laid my head on his chest he kissed my head. This is where I wanna be forever, in his arms I know I'm safe.

"Okay I'll try, I promise but I need your help" i whispered

"You know I'll be by your side every step of the way, all we need is just a little patience"

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