Chapter seven: unexpected company

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I've been sat watching the same home video on repeat for 3 hours, it's a tape my dad made for me, filled with video of me and him throughout my child hood

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I've been sat watching the same home video on repeat for 3 hours, it's a tape my dad made for me, filled with video of me and him throughout my child hood. Seeing him happy with his little girl on the screen makes my heart ache.

It was dark out side,my bedroom was pitch black with nothing but the light from the tv glowing though the room.

My dad will always be my best friend, the main man in my life but a part of me is at peace with the fact that he's resting now, up in heaven, he didn't go through any pain, it was quick or so my mother told me.

I turned off the tv and unwrapped my self from my blankets to head to the kitchen, I put my ice cream tub that I had been drowning my sorrows in for the past few hours back in the freezer, I poured my self a glass of water and got some tablets for my headache.

I had to be up early tomorrow to go see my grandparents to talk about things, the funeral mainly, which sucks. I decided to head back to my room and run myself a warm bath, I put some bubbles in and lit some candles to make it cosy, I walked back into my bedroom and put on my record player, slipping my dad's favourite vinyl out of its sleeve and putting it on the player, Elvis Presley, whilst it's not my kind of music it was always my dad's favourite and I grew up on him. I put the volume low as "I can't help falling in love with you" started playing, it brought a smile to my face.

While I sat waiting for my bath to fill, I heard a knock at my door.

Weird i wasn't expecting anyone and nobody knew about my dad yet, so who would be here at 10pm ?

I slipped on a hoodie and walked down stairs to the door, I took the chain off the latch slowing opening the door.

I let out a sigh of relief when I saw who it was

"Hey" I smiled

"Hey, I know you told me not to but I couldn't have you all alone tonight" it was slash he was holding a big bouquet of roses and a bottle of jack, classic slash right there.

I felt my eyes tearing up, all I did was fall into his arms, I couldn't believe he was here, im glad he was.

"This is so sweet" I let my self out of his embrace " come in" i sniffled.

We walked up stairs and the faint sound of the Fossett trickling into my bath and the sound of Elvis from my record playing widened as I open my bedroom door.

"Elvis" slash questioned as he laid the roses at the bottom of my bed and took his boots off.

"It was my dad's favourite record I basically grew up on Presley" I made my way over to the record playing to turn in down.

"Hey no leave it on" slash brought my hand to his "I like this song"

I made my way to my bathroom to stop the water and check it was the right temperature.

"I'm gunna take a bath" I said nervously "do you want to join?" Well that was bold of me.

Slash's eyes widened as his lips curled into a smirk " I'd love to" he followed me to the bathroom and shut the door behind us.

Slash stripped down to his boxers and stood there staring at me.

"Your gunna go in like that" I giggled nervously

"Well I thought that yanno, you wouldn't wanna do anything like that tonight at least" slash said

" we're adults slash, I think we can behave our selves for one night" i undressed till I stood in my bra and panties, slash just stared at me.

"Your so beautiful you know that?"slash questioned

I felt my cheeks go red, I didn't know what to say.

Slash got in the bath first he leant back and spread his legs apart so I could get it, I laid my back against his chest and rested my head down.

It was so silent and peaceful, it was nice having slash here with me. I needed him.

"What's your real name slash" I asked softly

He drew shapes on my arms with the bubbles "Saul, my real names Saul"he said

"Can I call you Saul?" I smiled even tho he couldn't see me

"Yeah if you want to, no one apart from you can tho" I smiled to myself when he said that, I don't know what's going on between us but right now whatever we are it feels right.

Slash leant his arm out to his jean pockets sat on the floor and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, putting the cig between his lips he lit it, inhaling and blowing the smoke out into the hot, cloudy bathroom.

"Can I have some?" I asked

He took one more drag before passing me the cig and wrapping his arm back around my waist, as I inhaled the toxic smoke then blowing it out, I traced a tattoo with my fingers on sauls arm.

"Did it hurt"

"Did what hurt baby?" He asked softly

"Your tattoo, I've a always wanted one but been to pussy" I giggled

"Not at all, it depends where you get one, why don't we go get one done together?" He said

"Really, I'd love too but when" I asked

"Tomorrow I've got a few hundred dollars saved it will be fun, I'd even hold your hand" he laughs

"Hey I'm not that scared" I giggled splashing him a bit

"So tomorrow you really wanna do it" Saul said

"Yeah why not, anything to take my mind off things right?" I smiled

" sure thing" he smiled back kissing me on the forehead

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