Chapter four: pass me the Advil?

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The night went quick, as the sun began to rise, seeping its way into the dim bedroom through the crack in the curtains

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The night went quick, as the sun began to rise, seeping its way into the dim bedroom through the crack in the curtains.

My eyes fluttered open, I looked over to see slash still laying next to me peacefully.

His hair covered his face and his naked chest moved up and down slowly.

I smiled at the sight, I adjusted my eyes to the light and slowly sat up trying not wake slash.

as I did, a lump formed in my throat and my eyes went fuzzy.

I sprung out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom, holding my hand over my mouth.

I slammed the bathroom door behind me and collapsed into the toilet bowl.

wtf? I'm never hungover. certainly never sick.

I heard footsteps coming to the bathroom and then soon after my hair was being pulled out of my face by who I assume was slash and his other hand rubbing up and down my back softly.

I could feel my self tear up, I hated being sick.

"hey, its okay I'm here now" slash said softly, still rubbing my back.

after a while, I pulled away and sat down next to the toilet , slash sat down next to me and pulled me into his embrace as I was still a bit teary eyed.

"sorry you had to see that"I muttered, feeling embarraed and disgusting.

"don't be silly Mia, don't worry you'll be looking after me soon enough" slash laughed.

"maybe" I laughed with him.

"could you get me some Advil or something, my head is killing me" I asked

"of course I can baby!" he smirked before standing up and leaving the room, I don't know what he was smirking at or why he was being so nice to me.

I mean he just sat with a random girl while she puked her guts up.

most guys leave me the morning after and I never see them again.

shortly after slash was back with Advil, a bottle of water and a blanket.


"ugh thank you so much slash! your the best"I said while taking two pills and gulping half the bottle of water down.

"your welcome"slash said with a smile.

I loved his smile it was gorgeous.

"have you seen lola, she has my keys and I wanna go home and have a shower, lay in my bed all day yanno ?" I sniffle

"actually" slash started.

"I saw lola leave this morning with duff and Steven, I don't know where they went but if you wanna you can come back to my place to shower" he said softly while helping me up from the cold bathroom floor.

"I mean I wouldn't want to be any trouble slash" I smiled

"no way are you any trouble princess, you're more than welcome" slash said

I couldn't help but smile at his kind words "okay lets get outta here" with that I put the blanket around my body, slash held his hand out for me to hold and I took it.


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