I laced my hand into his as we entered the first bedroom. The drapes were still close, keeping the room in the darkness. I approached the bed, smiling at the lump under the cover. I sat on the edge of the bed by his head as Drakkar squatted next to us.

He slowly pulled the duvet off his face, and the mop of blond hair came into view. I gently ran my fingers through them. He groaned in his sleep, and Drakkar chuckled.

"He reminds me so much of Zander sometime,"

"They're basically the same person," I added, and Drakkar kissed my shoulder.

"Flynn, you have to wake up. Mommy and Daddies have prepared a fun day for all of us," he whispered into his ear, and I smiled as Flynn groaned, slowly waking up. He blinked a couple of times, his crystal blue eyes creasing as he smiled.

"Mommy," his small body crawled over to my lap, and I picked him up, attacking him with kisses all over his face. He squirmed out of my grasp as he giggled. I lowered him to his feet, he was getting heavy.

"Daddy," he walked over to Drakkar, who lifted him with ease as he whispered something in his ear that had Flynn nodding his head rapidly. Drakkar chuckled before carrying him on his hip. I followed them as we walked into the next bedroom.

Zeke walked into the room with us.

"Put me down, Daddy," Flynn whispered-yelled.

"Say it nicely," I said, and he hid his face into his father's shoulder, grumbling something under his breath. Zeke chuckled, whispering something into his ear.

"Put me down, please," Drakkar did, and I smiled as I watched Flynn run over to Kalen's bed. He jumped on it, shaking his twin brother awake. Kalen pushed him off the bed with a smirk, before slipping out of bed.

Flynn ran over to Zeke, hiding his face in Zeke's stomach as he asked to be picked up.

"How did you sleep, baby?" I asked, and Kalen shrugged, wrapping an arm around Drakkar's waist.

I sent a confused glance to Drakkar, who made a face I now knew as I'll tell you when I find out.

"Flynn, Kalen, how about you go play downstairs," I suggested, and the boys sprinted out of the room, heading downstairs. We heard their little steps down the stairs as the four years old ran to Akira's room which was essentially my art room.

Drakkar, Zander, and Zeke had planned the house perfectly, as we used the empty rooms upstairs as their bedrooms. Even if I never got them to admit it, I think they had planned the children's room in the design of our home.

Zander appeared around the corner, smelling like fresh soap, and I ran my hand through his silky wet hair, loving how it felt on my fingers. His eyes closed as he pulled me closer to him. He loved it when I played with his hair.

"Good morning, angel," he said, his voice a low baritone raspiness that made my knees weak.

"Morning to you," I nuzzled my face into his chest, loving the strong cologne he'd just put on.

"Are we still doing a picnic today?" Zeke asked, kissing the crown of my hair.

I nodded. "Of course, it's tradition. Yesterday was your birthday, meaning today is the day we met five years ago."

"I hope it's not as violent as that year," Zander grumbled, and his brothers laughed at him, still finding Zander getting bit by Akira funny after so many years.

"I don't think that's possible. I can't glare at you as I did back then, you're too pretty," Drakkar pecked my lips, before heading downstairs to check on the boys making an awful lot of noise.

𝑩𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒅𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon