Chapter 33

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 A circle of light came on highlighting on a man that my table was clapping for. It was a familiar looking duo- The Furdles. They were front and center.

  ''Thank You, thank you. Good evening men and your wonderful families.Tonight is a very special night, extraordinary if you will. As you should know Frank, here to my side will be inheriting the good ole family business and he has appointed one very special employee. But first wine straight from wine country itself Napa, they have the best vineyards in the country to my knowledge.

  As soon as Henry Furdle made his annocuement the three previous men from dinner came single file with chalices in hand uncorking the bottle in the other.

''I take pride in everything I do EVERYTHING,my compay ecapusures everything as all know and follow.''

A chant of the motto was then simultaneously annocued.

  ''And I've been noticing who intislls the values of Furdle Watches and Co. I see the qualities I want in you men. I see all of your eagerness to become a leader but your leadership skills have been lacking, and our numbers have been looking quite nice, very nice in fact. But there's one man here who I feel really has been contributing to our numbers and encapsulating what Furdle Watches and Co. is all about, and William it is not you. It is not you James, neither is it you Patrick or Robert. Give it up to Jack Chambers.

  The room erupted in applause for Jack .

  ''Mr. Chambers come up here would ya?''

  I pushed my chair in for Jack to get through to the podium. Everyone was smiling and clapping but I didn't feel it, any of the excitement.

 Henry continued.

  ''Jack Chambers, has instilled and shown what the future of Furdle Watches and Co. need, he will be the overseer of ''The Project'' that you all know about. Now please Mr. Chambers turn around towards Frank and he will be pinning your badge on. Remember all it is an honor it wear the badge,  and the badge has chosen you once its on it shall never come off.''

  Chanting began with the words along the lines of 

''Once its on, its never off, Once its on its never off Once its on its never off!!!''

This commotion caused wine in the chalices to spill over and the cutlery clinking against each other.

  When Frank pinned the dark blue badge to his suit like the one he wore himself. Henry had Jack's arms raised up as if he were a war hero. Everyone at the table was still clapping for this...this initiation ceremony of sorts when all of the sudden it had felt as if there was vomit crawling up from the pit of my stomach to my mouth. I was scratching my neck trying to avoid thinking about what was happening at that podium and how to repress the vomit.

  ''And gentlemen don't forget to give your new overseer more wine when he sits down if anyone here who really has earned it is him. Mr. Chambers everyone''!

  Starting with William he arrose applauding Jack then the others followed in suit in a standing ovation, some whistling too. Jack came strutting back to the table with his cheeks now rosy and receiving pats on the the back that came with; ''Great job Jack or Congratulations Jack.'' Jack came back to his chair where he got seated by a suited man. Another chalice was put down on the tablecloth and a wine bottle with a golden cork.

  ''Here I can get that for you.'' William leaned over to get the wine bottle and uncork it.

  The suited man silently put his hand  out batting William's hand away, and poured the wine into Jack's chalice himself. The suited man behind him reached for another chalice filling it to the brim.

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