Chapter 26

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* This chapter of the story is slightly explicit , just a heads up hope you enjoy :]*

   I had an idea of what he might have been thinking one would be very uncomfortable and the other would be down right public indecency. I playfully raised my eyebrows like he did.

 ''No Jack, do tell.''

He started making claws with his hands in an upward motion and lifting his legs up.

 ''Oh Jack, I am not climbing a tree.''

 ''Come on Alice, its no big deal and if you don't know how to climb a tree I can help you.''

 I was flattered that Jack would help me climb up a tree but I have seen too many kids coming into the clinic with bones sticking out of their arms and gashes on their heads from tree climbing.

 ''I know Jack, but its dangerous.''

''Ah Alice come on don't worry I will never put you in harms way. Plus if anything goes wrong I am here.''

 I submitted to Jack, I had a sense he would catch my fall .

 Jack instructed me to follow his moves.

  ''Your going to put one foot preferably your dominant foot, find the next groove in the tree test your non dominant foot on that and see if it can sustain your weight. Then once you found your grooves and your near the branch I am on , I will pull you up.''

 Jack helped start up off a bit on the tree, then he climbed in front as quick as a squirrel and got on a large branch.

 ''Just give me your hand and I'll hoist you up.''

 I gingerly gave Jack my hand. At that  point  I was noticing how strong Jack was to be balancing on a branch both of his feet tied around it. At my angle I could see his veins popping out words can't describe how even seeing that made me feel. I heard a groan come from Jack as he was pulling me up onto the branch right next to him.

  Once I was on the tree firm and safe I felt calm and that everything in the world was okay at that moment. Jack had a leaf in his hair that he was taking out, when he saw me a charcatmatic smile came up on his face. The moment was beautiful until the sun started beaming me in the face, I carefully lifted my hand to shield the sun away from my eyeballs.

 Jack put force on my hand.

 ''BOTH hands on branch Alice!'' Jack said out of no where with great force and command. I then felt a squeeze on my hand from Jack.

 ''Sorry my love I just don't want you to go blind , its quite brutal out here.''

  I nodded.

  ''I do enjoy our moments together, I mean I even like the view even though its just a bunch of dead trees with extreme sun.''

 ''Yeah, it is a great view.'' Jack said in an absent minded voice.

  Silence grew upon us started to grow, I started to slightly shake my legs.

  Jack broke the silence.

 ''Well, I think its time to do something else now, I will help you down if you like.'' I noticed Jack had more excitement in his tone now.

 Jack led me down the tree with his one hand while I was carefully crawling down the trunk, soon the two of us were on the ground.

''Alice are you aware that you are the prettiest girl that my eyes have ever lied upon. Everything about your sun-kissed face, your red lips, and gorgeous hair, not to mention your beautiful figure.He came towards me while I was dusting off my clothes, his arms were open. He softly grabbed my hair passing  his fingers through it. I reached into the hug. My body was pressed into him I felt my breast rubbing against him, and his muscles contracting around me.

''You feel alright Alice?''

''Yes, I am.''

When he whispered in my ear it hit every right nerve, putting that strong of words together in that intimate tone. I felt like butterfiles were falling out of my body. I put my arms under his under arms , trying to rest my chin on him but I was battling the height difference which he closed when he bent down. He started to unbutton the dress shirt , while I was moving my hands up to his head , coming into him closer to kiss him.

''Jack I have no idea what I am doing right now.''

''Ssshh its alright we will make it up as we go.'' He whispered to me 

 I started to kiss him and play with his hair.

''Alice, I can't unbutton it .'' I felt the words from Jack cascading  into me .

''Too bad.'' I whispered back mid kiss.

 I felt him lowering further, the more I dug into him the closer to the grass patch we got. He was now bending down behind him while taking his shoes off, my tongue was still engaged in him.

 We were now both on our knees, Jack still playing the undressing  game. He started to gently put his hand below my neck, I was lying on the ground. At this point the shirt was  fully unbuttoned. Jack now took on the kissing role, he got so close on me I could feel the warmth of my breath. I was tugging at his shirt to get it off. I started to go to his neck and bite every square inch careful to not leave a mark.

Jack started to take his shirt off. He started to take my straps off my dress slowly pulling it down, he got it off my torso, I hovered my body a bit off the ground so he could fully take it off.

  I started to put my hand on his trouser's waistband, he brushed my hand away and took off his belt, he got down to his underwear. I wanted to go so much further but I still needed to be able to walk the next day let alone ride my bike. 

  The belt fell to the ground. My head  thrusted back, Jack pulling the dress up a bit more so he could get to my underwear. I started to pant I knew my body wanted it , my body wanted it so badly. His hand stopped crawling up my thighs, 

 ''Underwear on or off?'' I heard him murmur

 I led my hand to meet his other hand ''on, but doesn't mean I am ready to shut off.''

 I led his  hand now down my leg and pushed him down. I was now on top, my underwear was problay showing but I didn't care, my tongue was tired from kissing him. I let Jack do the rest of the work, he started to take off my brassier, started with peeling the straps off and sneaking his hand back to do the unclipping. At that moment I felt like he was the lion and I was the lioness. With one hand he took my bra off, I felt my hair falling down.Jack was taking the reins again, he started to lean up and I was now leaning down. He leaned down grabbing my hair looked like a beautiful mess. He started to whisper in my ear.

   ''I won't pull but I need this out of the way for now.''  

My hair was now getting pulled up with his belt as a hairtie  and I was caressing his rough body. His body was overpowering mine, he put his hand on my stomach. Jack's hand was crawling up to my chest resting his heads my breasts, I was tugging on his hair, he started to bite my ear and I let out a groan.

 ''Oh Jack, there is only so much a girl can handle.'' I whispered right into Jack. Jack pushed himself off me , I felt like I could finally breathe that he was off me. It felt good that he was on-top of me.

  ''You really are good with your hands Jack.''

''And, I think Alice, you knew exactly what to do there.'' Jack winked. 

 ''Yeah, and I thought you could only last twelve minutes or something.'' I winked.

 ''Well Alice sure must have been long since you look obliterated from it.''

  ''Eh that or I was bored.'' I tried not to laugh after saying that clearly false statement but a bout of laughter came out of me.

 ''Yeah bored.... thats definitely it Alice.'' Jack then rolled his eyes

I stood up and gave Jack another hug, feeling each others heartbeat. 

''I think I'll go get dressed now, Jack can you go just behind the tree. But close your eyes though.''

 Jack left and I was alone to myself on the grass patch trying to absorb what had just happened.


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