Chapter 11

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'' Alice! Alice, wake up, wake up!''

   Jack was shaking me with excitement, his face looked like  as if he was a little kid on Christmas morning. I haven't even opened my eyes before I had this abrupt awakening.

 ''Jack, what is it, it is only 8am?''

 ''Alice, come on get up , come , come , come.''

  Jack was basically running down the hallway jumping up and down by the window.

  I looked out the window, starting to understand what all the excitement is all about.

''Jack! Jack is that our car?''

 He started to nod at me.

 ''Jack my goodness this is amazing.'' I leapt into his arms.

 ''Its amazing,I went outside to get a closer look ; it even had a written letter on the hood,  addressed from the Furdles.''

   ''Oh Jack, this is so great.''

 The car indeed was beautiful a light blue hue, the same color scheme other cars had.''

 ''Okay, we need to get ready for the breakfast, can you make breakfast for you and I?''

  ''Yes Jack, yes I can.''

    I walked over to the fridge , opening the door and pulled out a styrofoam package of eggs. This was the type of packaging that had Henry Furdles face plastered on it. I went to the stovetop, and pulled out a skillet from a cupboard, starting to heat the pan up. I cracked an egg, there was no yolk, and no whites. I cracked three more eggs, all the same,hallow and absolutely  nothing inside. I dumped the ''eggs'' out of the skillet, and into the trash bin. I got a package of bacon strip, putting them on the skillet. I put the strips on one by one , they started to sizzle.

I was cooking when I heard a voice behind me.

''So, how do I look?''

Jack was wearing the same type of pants he normally wears , but this type an olive colored button up top.

''Oh Jack, great , I think you look great, and green does suit you. Oh and Jack I only have bacon and toast, can I brew a cup of coffee for you?''

  ''Oh no, that is all right, what we do or don't have I will always love you.''

  ''Oh, Oh Jack, I found a tea bag in here, while I was digging in the cupboards. I will heat a kettle, your toast is almost done. Enjoy your tea and your toast, I need to get ready.''

   ''But Alice, I would rather enjoy you instead.''

  I walked from behind the stovetop.

''I know,   I need to get ready though, today is the make or break day.'' He pointed his finger motioning towards me.

  ''Well, if I do remember my dear, I think I did hear you the other day, I heard you say I could unbutton your top. Unless, you would just like to war that all day then be my guest.''

 ''Ha Jack, funny.''

Jack was sitting on a bar stool, I walked in front of him , pushing my hair out of the way.

 ''Start from the bottom buttons then go up? That is usually how I do it when I undress myself.''

 ''He nodded and started undoing each button rapidly, he got to the top two buttons when I put my hand over his.''

  ''My turn Jack.''

I carefully undone the last buttons. Jack held his hands in his laps. I knew what he wanted to do, but Jack couldn't have all the fun. 

  It was silent between the two of us. But nonverbally he was screaming his eyes were widening. I walked back into the room to get dressed picking a similar outfit from the other day. I brushed my hair and flossed like I normally did. I walked back into the front room where I saw Jack picking up the briefcase.

  ''Are you ready to go Alice?''

   ''Oh yes Jack.''

Jack and I walked out the door, I was starting to feel the heat. Jack led me to  the new car that was parked in the driveway. Jack ran in front of me , to open the passenger door. He leaned over my body buckling my seatbelt.He threw his briefcase in the backseat, following him to buckle his own seatbelt. Jack put his keys into ignition. I have never been in many cars before but seeing Jack driving a car made him seem even more handsome to me.

 Jack had a lot of excitement in his face, problay due to driving an amazing car. Jack was driving the car down the main intersection. At the intersection, there was a man in the left lane next to me.

 ''Hey Alice, can you roll your window down.'' Jack asked.

   I saw the familiar looking man staring more at the car, as I was pulling my window down.

 It was Frank.

 ''Ah, Mr. Chambers my boy, lovely to see you again , what a fine looking gal you got with ya.''

  My eyes darted back to Jack.

  ''Oh most definitely Frank, Alice is a real doll. See look.''

  The light was still red. Jack started to push his body out of the drivers seat , he leaned in and looked at me.

''Just play cool.''


  Before I knew it I heard Jack unbuckle his seatbelt from the drivers seat, he got onto of me his lips agasint mine, hands entwined in my hair. I never really made out with any guy let alone Jack.I decided to seize the moment and push my tongue to the back of his mouth. He was rubbing my thighs and not letting me breathe until he pulled away.

''Ah impressive Jack, need to get a girl of my own who can do that. Ha, well see ya later Jacko.''

  Franks engine revved up again as his light turned green. I could finally breathe.


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