Chapter 13

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    I heard him well walking, under his breath I thought I heard him mumble ''unappreciated twat'', under his breath. He had made his way towards the women with the blue dotted stickers in the secluded corner of the warehouse.All of the contending future co stars for Marilyn Monroe were standing next to unmarked black canvas chairs; the ones that Marilyn Monroe and the Furdles had.When Mr. Furdle was in their vicinity all of the aspiring actresses giving courtesies, smiling wide with giggles falling out of their mouths.The more the girls did that, the more Mr. Furdle was enjoying it. Eating it all up like candy.While the young women were playing with their curls and biting their lips, Mr. Furdle started to roughly line the women up side by side, telling them to enunciate their chests, so e could do his poking and prodding. I was witnessing this like a fly on the wall all of it made me feel sick, even sicker knowing it was happening to Mary Anne.The blue dotted girls still had smiles plastered across their faces. While Mr.Furdle was doing whatever he does a man in a teal dress shirt came up behind Mr. Furdle. The man whispered into Mr. Furdles ear, I saw Mr. Furldes face I could see that he was irritated that he was interrupted. His irritated face abruptly turned into a blank stare, and started to do a hand wave to his ''message carrier''.

 Mr. Furdle made his way, walking back into the middle of the room, other girls who haven't left were still scattered around the place, and the blue dotted women followed him to the center of the room like ducklings. When Mr. Furdle was at the center of the room, he likes to make his point clear that he is present and deserves full attention, or so that is what I have noticed.Mr. Furdle slammed his cane into the ground for the stragglers.

 ''Ladies, what a day it has been meeting each and everyone one of you, like my cute precious buttons.But today, there was only one girl who perfectly matched the definition of perfection, not to mention matched the definition of perfection, not to mention always is keen of following our values. This young women is Mary Anne Adlethorn!''

 I saw Mary Anne, she was beaming with excitement her face was practically glowing. I started clapping for her, a brunette lady with freckles nearby said a very snarky comment. The comment the snarky brunette said was full of bitterness knowing she only got that part because of her beauty, her youthful face, and her aunt's money. Even if some of it was true, I was happy for Mary Anne, even though  inside I felt weary and that I needed to protect her of something. 

  ''You are all dismissed !'' That was what one of Mr. Furdles assistant stated.

  As the remaining actresses started to leave, I mad my way towards Mary Anne.

  ''Mary Anne, congratulations that you got the role, I am so proud, you must be very happy.''

   She turned around towards me with an excited face.

   ''Oh yes, I am so glad I got this part, it has always been my dream to be an actress, and I do not know what I would have done if not getting this role. I am just so honored.''

  As the production set was clearing, I saw a woman with the hair of an angel. Mary Anne was fluffing up her hair.

  ''Oh, Mary Anne, I think that is Marilyn Monroe. THE Marilyn Monroe.''

  As my voice was rising in excitement a bit, Mary Anne's eyes did not meet mine, no eye contact at all.

  ''Alice, shoo it is MY time with Marilyn , you can leave now.'' Mary Anne said that then shooing me off with her hand.

 I felt rejected I thought we were friends.

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