Chapter 4

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  I woke up to  the eye blinding sun coming from my paper thin curtains, ''time to get the day started'' I thought to myself opening the curtains up wide. I decided to hop into the shower, I learned while washing my hands last night the hot water wasn't coming out. I assume the hot water heater isn't working or Hot Springs Apartments did not pay the water bill. But for today I will make it a quick one. After jumping out of my Arctic shower I quickly ran quickly ran a comb through my dripping wet blonde hair.I went back into the living room area where my bed was shuffling through my suitcase grabbing a long pink skirt and a gray blouse. While in the living room I sat down on my bed facing the window slowly slipping my clothes on I was cautious even though nobody was outside. Today my plan was to go grocery shopping , I slipped the rest of my clothes on going out the door and the Palm Spring heat coming across my face. The apartment building was quite far aways from the rows of houses but close that I could still see it from my living room window.

I started walking outside  to the intersection hearing the pebbles and sand making a crunching noise beneath my shoes. I made my way towards the intersection seeing all of these colored houses pink, orange, yellow and red with identical red roof tiling.Seeing men emerge from their identical colored houses kissing their wife goodbye briefcase in hand. I crossed the intersection right by the row of houses with the working men. I was near the house I saw last night with an orange roof . The familiar figure with a gray button down and yellow pants was at his front door fumbling with his set of keys. Resulting him to dropping his own briefcase to the ground jamming the key till he heard a click.The man's hair was combed , slicked back then the man turned around walking towards my direction.

  I knew it was Mr. Jack Chambers, I mean the hair and the tinkle in his eye gave it away. 

     ''Ah Alice darling , lovely to see you again.''

''Yes Mr. Chambers.''

He dug one finger pressing it sternly to my lip.

   ''It is Jack , Alice. Jack and only Jack . Now please walk with my Alice I have a long day ahead of me and you do as well so I suggest we keep going'.'

   Inside I thought long day ahead of us I was just going to the grocery store what does he mean? I guess I will play along.

   ''How do you know?''

''I am a man and you are a woman so please don't worry my darling . I've picked up a brochure the other night for a watch company working with Mr.Furdle, that is the man you are attending the production's auditions. But after today would you like to have dinner afterwards. Please come you don't want be to be lonely right?''

    ''Oh yes the audition , and sure I guess so.''

''Oh and my love please meet me up after the audition was over.''

He looked please as I accepted. But I still needed to get groceries for myself. But it is for Mr. Chambers so I guess I will get them the next day. 


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